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RIP - Msgr. John O'Brien


Father John O'Brien, Pastor of Saint Raymond from 1987 to 2008, a priest of Jesus Christ and lover of God's people, passed away after a long illness on Monday, June 14th. He leaves to grieve his loss, a dear sister Ann, her children Kevin and Maura, extended family, his Saint Raymond Family, and many others who were blessed by his life and goodness throughout his 89 years of life!

His funeral plans are as follows:

  • His body will be received at Saint Raymond Church at 8:45 am on Saturday, June 18th. There will be a brief Prayer Service with the family and anyone else who wishes to gather.

  • There will be a viewing of the body from 9:00 am until 10:45 am in Saint Raymond Church.

  • Bishop Timothy Senior will celebrate Msgr. O'Brien's Funeral Mass at 11:00 am. If you are unable to attend, the Mass will be live-streamed.

  • There will be a repast (Funeral Luncheon) immediately following the Funeral Mass in our School Hall. If you would be so kind, please bring a cake or other dessert (please take it to the School Hall prior to the Funeral Mass). If you would like to volunteer to assist in serving the Funeral Luncheon, please contact Nicole Crumpler at

  • If you would like to assist with guiding those visiting St. Raymond for the funeral, so they feel welcome and assisted, please contact Minta Brown at

  • Father O'Brien will be buried with his parents at Saint Patrick Cemetery later in the afternoon. All are welcome to attend. Location and time will be given on the day of the funeral.

In your kindness, please contact friends and family so we are sure all know about the loss of our dear Father in Christ. If you have questions, please call the Parish Office at 215-549-3760 or email Brandi at

If you would like to make a donation in his memory, please select the Social Ministry option and your kind gift will be used to help the poor who were always so close to Father O'Brien's heart. You may also send a check (1350 East Vernon Road, Philadelphia, PA 19150), payable to St. Raymond Social Ministry. May God reward your kindness.

Prayer for a Deceased Priest

O God, You did raise Your servant, Father John O'Brien, to the sacred priesthood of Jesus Christ, according to the Order of Melchisedech, giving him the sublime power to offer the Eternal Sacrifice, to bring the Body and Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ down upon the altar, and to absolve the sins of men in Your Holy Name. We beg You to reward his faithfulness and to forget his faults, admitting him speedily into Your Holy Presence, there to enjoy forever the reward of his labors. This we ask through Jesus Christ Your Son,

our Lord. Amen.

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Rectory: (215) 549-3760  School: (215) 548-1919

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