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Good News for September 1st

This Friday, the Church remembers the life of St. Gregory the Great. He was a priest, bishop, and pope. Gregorian Chant, a style of music common to the Church, especially in monasteries, is named after St. Gregory. Gregory was content to be a monk, but he willingly served the Church in other ways when asked. He sacrificed his own preferences in many ways, especially when he was called to be Bishop of Rome (Pope). Once he was called to public service, Gregory gave his considerable energies completely to this work. Gregory's description of bishops as physicians fits in well with Pope Francis' description of the Church as a "field hospital." God desires a sacrifice from each of us - what sacrifice is God asking of you at this season of life? Please plan on being with us this weekend for Mass and bring a friend as well!

  • September is Sickle Cell Awareness Month. One of the great needs at this time, and often, is for blood. Would you consider being a blood donor? Please consider...

  • That some scholars have figured out how much of giant Goliath was? Really...check this out!

  • Our fellow Christians in Afghanistan have been persecuted for decades and that persecution has worsened as the nation is now in control of the Taliban. Please educate yourself about the Christians living there and offer prayer and sacrifice for them.

  • There has been a great deal of conversation in our nation about whether people must get the COVID vaccines. The Catholic Church has stated that it is morally acceptable to get the vaccines and has urged us to be vaccinated for the common good. However, many Catholic voices have stated that there is a place for a conscientious exemption as well. Read about that HERE.

  • We have a need for a kind person who loves children to serve in our After School Program Monday to Friday, 3 pm to 6 pm. They can contact the school at 215-548-1919.

  • The Archdiocese provides news on the local, national and international Church through its website CatholicPhilly. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from them as well. Stay informed!

Our parish rejoices and gives thanks to God as Toni Purnell Reaves has been appointed the new Principal at Holy Cross School in Mount Airy. Toni has taught school for decades, including a few years in our school. We wish her many years of joy and zeal as she serves these precious children and their families.

We are now using our new data system called Church Community Builder. Please watch this message from Fr. Chris and use the instructions below to take the next steps in using this wonderful new system. As always, if you have questions, contact Brandi at

In a recent discussion, Father Chris and the Parish Staff were having for a study course, they were challenged to reflect on the VISION and MISSION of St. Raymond. Most organizations have these simple statements that guide the WHY (vision statement) and the WHAT (mission statement) for an organization (business, church, community group, etc.). We have had a Mission Statement (on the front of this bulletin) for years. It has guided us for more than a decade. I believe it needs to be “refreshed” at this point and so does the staff. So we are proposing to you the following (this is very much a first draft and we want to gather lots of feedback from YOU and will in various ways in the weeks to come).

The proposed vision statement will motivate us to be zealous and keep us mindful of why we do what we do it: A Philadelphia that knows loves, and serves Jesus.

The proposed mission statement that will keep us focused on what we are to do (and thus, what we are to not do) is: We exist to introduce people to Jesus so they grow their faith, discover their purpose, and make a difference because, with Jesus, life is better.

What do you think? Write Fr. Chris a note. Give him a call (215-549-3760). Send him an email at or wait for a survey to be emailed next week. Our neighborhood and City have many challenges. There is much work to do. God needs us to do it but before we begin let’s know where we are headed and how we want to get there!

Have you received the Sacrament of Confirmation? Something this sacrament is "missed" for various reasons. Please contact Father Chris at so you can be prepared to receive the Sacrament with others at the Cathedral this November. This is for teens, young adults, and not-so-young adults! Come Holy Spirit!

As our nation celebrates Labor Day, please consider joining us for Mass on Monday, September 6th at 9 am in our Church. We will give thanks to God for the gift of our work and also pray for those whose work conditions are unjust or unsafe. Did you know that Labor Day has a strong connection to Catholic Social Teachings? Please pray for workers as well: On this weekend, when we rest from our usual labors, loving Father, we pray for all who shoulder the tasks of human labor—in the marketplace, in factories and offices, in the professions, and in family living. We thank you, Lord, for the gift and opportunity of work; may our efforts always be pure of heart, for the good of others and the glory of your name. We lift up to you all who long for just employment and those who work to defend the rights and needs of workers everywhere. May those of us who are now retired always remember that we still make a valuable contribution to our Church and our world by our prayers and deeds of charity. May our working and our resting all give praise to you until the day we share together in eternal rest with all our departed in your Kingdom as you live and reign, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Join us for our next Bible Study Series as we study a portion of the 150 Psalms - prayers used by our ancestors and Jesus Himself As we face all the challenges of this time, let us imitate the holy women and men of old as we are nourished by God's Word! Sessions are in-person or virtual, Wednesday evenings, September 22 to October 27. Please sign up today!

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