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Writer's pictureSt. Raymond of Penafort

Good News for October 29th

We have days of celebration coming soon friends! On All Saints Day (Nov. 1st) we remember those Christians who are now sharing fully in the victory of Jesus Christ in the glory of heaven. These women and men were asked the question: did you love? They were able to answer, YES I did and heard the words we all want to hear: well done, good and faithful servant, come into paradise! Join us for Mass on Monday at 8 am or 10:30 am (with the school community). On All Souls Day (Nov. 2nd) we remember those Christians who have died and when asked the same question, “did you love?”, being honest, since we can only be honest in that moment, responded “I tried but was not always successful” and they were then blessed by God to be given the chance to be purified in a way that allows them to realize the effects of their selfishness (or lack of love) and be cleansed preparing them for glory! Join us for Mass at 8 am to pray for your loved ones who have died and are still in need of purification. Pray for the souls in purgatory so that one day they will pray for you!




Please make an effort to join us at the Cathedral on November 7th - to God be the glory!

Wazmina and her family will be staying in Philadelphia! Our REST Team has been working very hard this week to begin the paperwork process for the government benefits that are available, enroll children in school, find a good home for the family, and continue the adjustment to life in the USA. OUR GREATEST NEED IS FOR PEOPLE TO BE A RECTORY HOST. PLEASE SIGN UP TO BE A RECTORY HOST AND ASSIST THEM IN THEIR TIME WITH US. THESE THREE HOURS ARE A GIFT TO FATHER CHRIS (THE ONLY BIRTHDAY PRESENT HE WANTS THIS YEAR), SO PLEASE SIGN UP TODAY! Please pray for Father Chris and the leaders of REST - Lord, give them the wisdom to make the choice that is truly best for this family; may we be generous but prudent in accord with your holy plan for our parish family. AMEN

  • Did you hear that a very well-known Anglican Bishop has become a Catholic? Read about why HERE!

  • The news out of Haiti has been sad and sometimes even sadder. How do they move forward and more importantly, what is the role of the USA?

  • Many have heard the amazing story of forgiveness offered by Immaculee, who survived the Rwandan Genocide. She will be speaking at. St. David in Willow Grove on December 15th; tickets are going fast. FIND OUT MORE

  • The Pope has begun gathering with Bishops in Rome to discuss a new way of leading the Church through "synods" (gatherings guided by the Holy Spirit to discern where God is guiding the Church). Learn more about this Synod of Bishops (which will meet throughout the next four years).

  • The through its website CatholicPhilly. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from them as well. Stay informed!


Have you signed up for your life group yet? Formerly known as "Small Groups" these groups of 5 to 8 people meet once a week (from the week of November 7th until the week before Christmas) to share faith and grow in authentic friendship. The focus this year is the series The Chosen which reveals the life of Jesus. We will watch brief video clips and then discuss the impact of Jesus in our lives. Questions? Please contact Please check out this flyer with all the details of when a group meets and contact the Life Group leader directly to save your place! Have you seen The Chosen? Visit this website and watch it for FREE!

In six weeks we will celebrate the wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving at St. Raymond means a few things: (1) a chance to gather to say thank you to God from whom all blessings flow; plan to bring your family to Mass at 9 am on Thanksgiving Morning; (2) each year we are able to share our blessings in a tangible way by giving away 50-60 Thanksgiving Food Baskets with Turkeys to families; if you or someone you know would welcome the blessing of a basket or if you want to help collect and prepare the baskets please contact Arleen at (3) begin to express thanks this week (why wait?) - in a particular way Father Chris invites to express thanks to someone who ministers in our parish whose life and goodness have been a blessing to you and your family. There is currently a campaign to say thank you to a priest (and Father Chris is grateful for the notes and emails he has received). At St. Raymond, there are so many who make our parish the place it is and all the others deserve to hear from you and your thanks as well. Can you take a moment to send an email to someone whose ministry you especially appreciate? Deacon Bill (, Richara Krajewski (, Arleen Daniels (, Araminta Brown (, Brandi Rose (, Kenny Arrington (, and Father Chris ( “No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” - St. Ambrose

We have a new APP for our parish. Please search for St. Raymond where you get your apps. Or you can text 'straymondapp' to (833) 363-7471, for a quick way to download the app. There are many wonderful features that will be a blessing for you as you experience our Digital Campus.

Faith without works is dead! You do not want a faith that is dead, do you? Have you thought about how you might serve others? The goal is two hours a week but you can start with two hours a month! Here are some possibilities:

Guess who is turning 80? Saint Raymond Church! Since December 7, 1941, Saint Raymond Church has led generations of people to a life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ! Join us at 3 pm on Sunday, December 5th for a Concert of Christmas Music (the Concert will not be available on live stream; please join us in person the way they did in 1941) in our Church at 3 pm followed by a Catered Celebration Dinner in our School Hall. There is no cost but we are requesting a $10 "deposit" per guest to save your place at the meal (please drop off an envelope with your name and the $10 cash to the Parish Office or place it in the offering boxes in Church; the deposit will be refunded at the Dinner). Please call the Parish Office if you have questions. COMPLETE THIS FORM TO ATTEND THE CONCERT and THE DINNER.

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