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Writer's pictureSt. Raymond of Penafort

Good News for October 26th

Dear Friends in Christ,

All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation on Tuesday, November 1st. Mass times will be 9:00 AM (with St. Raymond School) and 7:00 PM. There will be no 8 am Mass on November 1.

We also welcome the St. Raymond Alumni on Sunday, October 30th, at the 10:00 AM Mass. If you are an alum, we would love for you to attend and register. Please register at

The Archdiocese has released the results of the worldwide Synod on the level of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Feel free to read at Archbishop Perez has articulated three primary priorities for the future:

· First, we must move as a local Church from crisis to hope. This will be accomplished with a particular focus on restructuring and rebuilding outreach efforts to youth and young adults.

· Second, we must rebuild the resources of the Church. By tapping into existing talent, engaging the philanthropic community, and evaluating and refocusing ministries and structures, the Archdiocese is committed to positioning the Church of Philadelphia for the future.

· Third, we must create a culture of missionary discipleship. With the synod as a launching point and with support and resources from the Archdiocese, both priests and laity alike are invited to renew their vocations and commit to ongoing formation to strengthen evangelization efforts across the Archdiocese, rooted in dialogue and encounter. Additionally, each parish will be discerning the feedback from this synod and the survey and developing three local priorities for building a culture of missionary discipleship.

We will keep Archbishop Perez and the priorities in our prayers.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Jeff

We are grateful to our parish family for their outstanding show of love and support as we celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary. Thank you for your presence with us this past weekend and the many cards and well wishes you gave us. A special thank you to the Bethany Team and the Hospitality Ministry for making our family and friends feel so welcome. Thank you to Kenny and the choir for leading us in joy-filled musical worship and celebration. Thank you to Father Jeff and the parish staff for helping us incorporate our vow renewal ceremony into the Sunday Liturgy. We are grateful to all who helped in any way to make our day special.

God’s peace!

Deacon Bill & Cindy

Advent Life Groups- Remember that Jesus is the reason for the season! St. Raymond Advent Life Groups meet the weeks of November 13th through December 22nd. Day and evening meetings are held throughout the week at St Raymond and via Zoom. During 90 minutes, experience Jesus through prayer, scripture, and reflection. A more spiritual you is the best gift that can be given! Fliers are available for information, including meeting dates, places, and times. Please register in advance. Contact Minta Brown at 610-329-7256 with any questions.

Van service for the 11/6 St Martin de Porres Mass from St Raymond to the Cathedral is available. The Van will leave St Raymond at 2:00 pm. You must sign up in advance by calling the office at 215-549-3760 due to limited seating.

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick:

On the weekend of Nov. 12th and 13th, the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be administered at the Saturday 5:00 pm and Sunday 8:00 am and 10:00 am Masses. Parishioners are invited to be anointed who meet the following criteria: a chronic illness (cancer, diabetes, arthritis, lupus, diseases of the heart, lung & kidney etc.) undergoing treatment for a disease/illness or living at a very advanced age. If you qualify and desire to receive this Sacrament, signup sheets are available on the desk in the rear of the church, or you must call the rectory no later than Nov. 7th. No names will be accepted after this date. Should you have any questions, please call Fr. Jeff or Arleen Daniels at 215-549-3760.


2022 REUNION MASS - 10 AM SUNDAY, 10/30/22


We will celebrate All Saints Day on Tuesday, November 1st, with Mass at 9 am (with our school community) and at 7 pm. Please plan to join us for Mass this day (which is not just a Holy Day of Obligation...but a Day of Opportunity). YOU ARE CALLED TO BE A SAINT! The weekend of Nov. 5th & 6th, we will celebrate our Annual Memorial Mass as we remember those of our parish who have died in the past year at all Masses. Why do Catholics pray for the dead? Please spread the word and invite others!

October 28, 2022 Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles

Tradition holds that the Apostles Simon and Jude traveled to Persia to spread the Gospel. There, they told people about Jesus, and those people told others, who told others, and so on. The seeds they planted took root, grew, and spread throughout the region, long after they were martyred. Together with the other Apostles, Simon and Jude took the gospel's message far and wide. Each of us can trace our faith, like a family tree, back to one or more of the Apostles.

Today, let us give thanks for these Apostles, as well as for the “apostles” in our own lives. Maybe our “apostles” were our parents who took us to church. Maybe they included a coworker who prayed with us or a friend who encouraged us in some way. They could be the pope or our pastor or the author of a book that helped us grow closer to Jesus. Some people may be remembered by history, but most won’t. And that is okay. They—and we—are all important in God’s plan for building His Kingdom.

Let us pray. “O God, who by the blessed Apostles have brought us to acknowledge your name, graciously grant, through the intercession of Saints Simon and Jude, that the Church may constantly grow by increase of the peoples who believe in you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.”

This September represents the 17th annual 40 Days For Life Campaign. On Friday, October 28th, we will pray at Planned Parenthood from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. We ask that you donate one hour of your time for prayer. That is it. Please contact Toni Reaves at 215-549-3760. Please stand up for those who have no voice, and we will continue to assist moms who choose life.

Did you move?

Change your email address?

Update your phone number?

Calling All Youth, you are

We are looking for all youth to serve as; Altar servers, Youth choir, Liturgical dancers, Lectors, Church slides, and Live Stream operators. Open to all Youth and Young adults. Call Ms. Toni and or use the sign-up sheet in the back of the church.

Let's bring people back to the pews.

We ask parishioners to sign up to answer a question about their faith and why they worship at St. Raymond. After the interview, we would like to post it on Social Media and play it before Mass.

Can you help?

Does it sound like something you can do?

Call the office and let us know.

( We would like the interviews to air by November 19th)

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