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Writer's pictureSt. Raymond of Penafort

Good News for November 30th

Happy Feast of the Apostle, Saint Andrew. He has the distinction of being the first one to follow Jesus and then bringing his brother Peter to Jesus (and many others as well). His life is a great reminder of the need for us to bring others to Jesus. As we approach Christmas, who are you bringing to Jesus? Can you invite someone to our Concert this Sunday or Mass one weekend in Advent or at Christmas? BE LIKE SAINT ANDREW!




Wazmina and her children continue to settle into their new home. They are loving life! Seven of the nine children have started school (the youngest will not go to school until next year; the oldest is working and will enroll in YouthBuild's program next August). At this point, we are recruiting (and training) individuals to serve as "Homework Helpers" These wonderful people will go to the family's home near Cottman and the Boulevard for a two-hour shift every other week (you choose the time: 3-5, 4-6, 5-7, 6-8; remember that St. Raymond GOAL of serving outside your home for 2 hours each week) to assist with the family learning English, various homework tasks and to be a loving presence. We will have an information/orientation on Tuesday, December 7th at 7 pm via zoom. Interested in learning more? Contact Richara at Interested but cannot attend on December 7th? Contact Dan at rest@saintraymond.netYou shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” Leviticus 19, 34

  • We know the stories of those who are fleeing Afghanistan. How about the story of the priest who led the Catholic Community in Afghanistan who longs for the day he can return and serve the people he loves? Read more...

  • What is your favorite Christmas Movie? Many love It's a Wonderful Life. Did you know that some believe the devil tried to prevent the movie from being made? Read more...

  • SOULFUL CHRISTMAS returns to the Kimmel Center on Tuesday, December 14th. The St. Raymond Choir is not on the stage this year but the Phila. Catholic Mass Choir is featured. Limited tickets are available through the Kimmel Center!

  • How is your Advent going? Do you have a plan? Maybe use emails from Best Advent Ever, use the Hallow App or use this online Advent Retreat

  • St. Raymond is now hosting a NA (Narcotics Anonymous) Meeting on Monday Evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the Church Basement. Enter the Church doors off the Williams Avenue side of the Parking Lot (they meet in the room next to the Men's Bathroom). Share the news with a friend - you just might save their life!

  • Many have heard the amazing story of forgiveness offered by Immaculee, who survived the Rwandan Genocide. She will be speaking at. St. David in Willow Grove on December 15th; tickets are going fast. FIND OUT MORE

  • The through its website CatholicPhilly. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from them as well. Stay informed!

We have a new APP for our parish. Please search for St. Raymond where you get your apps. Or you can text 'straymondapp' to (833) 363-7471, for a quick way to download the app. There are many wonderful features that will be a blessing for you as you experience our Digital Campus.

Guess who is turning 80? Saint Raymond Church! Since December 7, 1941, Saint Raymond Church has led generations of people to a life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ! Join us at 3 pm THIS SUNDAY, December 5th for a Concert of Christmas Music (the Concert will not be available on live stream; please join us in person the way they did in 1941) in our Church followed by a Catered Celebration Dinner in our School Hall. There is no cost but we are requesting a $10 "deposit" per guest to save your place at the meal (please drop off an envelope with your name and the $10 cash to the Parish Office or place it in the offering boxes in Church; the deposit will be refunded at the Dinner). Please call the Parish Office if you have questions. COMPLETE THIS FORM TO ATTEND THE CONCERT and THE DINNER. (Dinner reservations close as of this Thursday).

We continue to make the COVID Vaccine available each Friday through Jefferson University Hospital. They are able to offer booster shots as well as vaccines for children. PLEASE CONTACT THEM DIRECTLY WITH QUESTIONS (call 833-533-3463). Hesitant to be vaccinated still? Please watch this informative video. Please talk to your physician when making medical decisions if you have health concerns.

Next Wednesday, December 8th is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Please plan to join us for Mass at 8 am or 10:30 am (with our School Community). Honor the Mother of Jesus and seek the grace to imitate her faith, hope, and love!

Are you getting excited for Christmas? Our Home for Christmas event will be a tremendous gift to our sisters and brothers living in the five homeless shelters we serve. WE NEED YOUR HELP (remember our Church Family is committed to serving at least 2 hours each week outside of the home). Please let us know how YOU WILL SERVE with our Home for Christmas event this year!

Some of the greatest poverty in our City is along Kensington Avenue as thousands of young people battle addiction. Jesus desires us to serve our sisters and brothers there in some way. Beginning in December, we will have a small team from our parish go to Kensington one Sunday a month to serve lunch and offer hope. Dates for our service are December 19th, December 25th (yes, Christmas Day for those who can join us), January 9th, and February 13th. To learn more contact, Anne McGowan, at 267-818-0011 or

The Tuesday after Thanksgiving has become known as Giving Tuesday, a chance to make a charitable contribution. Father Chris is grateful for your continued generosity in so many ways. If you feel inspired to make a gift today, please consider a gift to our Parish (tell us how you want the gift used, possibilities include Social Ministry, Maintenance, Refugee Care, or School Scholarships). God loves cheerful givers!

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