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Good News for November 17th

You likely recognize her face from the banners in the back of the Church - but do you know her story? Venerable Henriette Delille died on this date in 1862 after a life of service to the people of God as a religious sister in New Orleans. She was of mixed race and suffered greatly because of bigotry. She was portrayed by Vanessa Williams in a wonderful movie about her life. Her Cause for Sainthood continues to progress as well. Amongst her quotes that can inspire us all is this: I want to live and die for God!



Wazmina and her children will move into their new home in Northeast Philadelphia on Friday. The generosity of our Church Family and the Friends of St. Raymond and REST has been overwhelming. Throughout the past month, people have cleaned rooms, donated, sorted, and folded clothing, taught English, played games, walked to the park, donated an amazing amount of money that will cover rent and utilities for many months, and most importantly - loved these ten human beings who have experienced unthinkable things in their lives. Our work is not done. We will walk with this family as we have the others served by REST. We need you! In the weeks to come, the children will start school and will need lots of help in the evening with homework and social support. Could you commit to four hours a month (two, two-hour shifts - Monday to Friday) helping this family? Shifts will be 4 pm to 6 pm and 6 pm to 8 pm at their home near Cottman Avenue and Roosevelt Boulevard in NE Philly. If you can only serve during the day, Wazmina will need 1:1 support as she continues to learn as well as support in adjusting to life in the USA with her children. In addition, there will be help needed to get the family to medical appointments too! What part will you play? Send an email to to express your willingness to serve!

  • Deacon Bill is at home recovering from his medical procedure. He is comfortable and taking the time he needs. He expresses gratitude for all of your kind support and especially your prayer for him. Continue to pray: Lord, please bring a complete recovery to our dear Deacon - heal him from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. Give him patience at this hour and increase his faith and hope in your goodness. Amen!

  • The Miraculous Medal Shrine has begun its Solemn Novena and you can join in - in person at the Shrine on Chelten Avenue or on their website (streamed at 12:05 each day). Join in this beautiful tradition of turning to your heavenly Mother and seeking her help. She loves you!

  • There is much in the news about the commemorations of the 400th anniversary of the first slaves arriving in Virginia. Did you know that there is (of course) MORE TO THE STORY?

  • During the month of November, you receive an INDULGENCE for making a visit to a cemetery (we have four in our neighborhood) and praying for the souls of those buried there? Why not stop after Mass on Sunday?

  • St. Raymond is now hosting a NA (Narcotics Anonymous) Meeting on Monday Evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the Church Basement. Enter the Church doors off the Williams Avenue side of the Parking Lot (they meet in the room next to the Men's Bathroom). Share the news with a friend - you just might save their life!

  • Many have heard the amazing story of forgiveness offered by Immaculee, who survived the Rwandan Genocide. She will be speaking at. St. David in Willow Grove on December 15th; tickets are going fast. FIND OUT MORE

  • The through its website CatholicPhilly. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from them as well. Stay informed!

  • Did you have a chance to read the article in last week's Wall Street Journal that featured Saint Raymond Parish? Read it here:

Next week we will celebrate the wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving. Plan to bring your family to Mass at 9:00 am on Thanksgiving Morning to give thanks to God from whom all blessings flow! We are grateful to all those who donated so generously to provide Thanksgiving for so many people. If you or someone you know would welcome the blessing of a basket (we have a few remaining) please contact Arleen at

We have a new APP for our parish. Please search for St. Raymond where you get your apps. Or you can text 'straymondapp' to (833) 363-7471, for a quick way to download the app. There are many wonderful features that will be a blessing for you as you experience our Digital Campus.

Guess who is turning 80? Saint Raymond Church! Since December 7, 1941, Saint Raymond Church has led generations of people to a life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ! Join us at 3 pm on Sunday, December 5th for a Concert of Christmas Music (the Concert will not be available on live stream; please join us in person the way they did in 1941) in our Church at 3 pm followed by a Catered Celebration Dinner in our School Hall. There is no cost but we are requesting a $10 "deposit" per guest to save your place at the meal (please drop off an envelope with your name and the $10 cash to the Parish Office or place it in the offering boxes in Church; the deposit will be refunded at the Dinner). Please call the Parish Office if you have questions. COMPLETE THIS FORM TO ATTEND THE CONCERT and THE DINNER.

Black Catholics trace their faith history back to Christian antiquity long before other nations heard the “Good News.” Christian Africa was indeed a “leading light” in early Christendom. Black Catholics point to three popes who were born in Africa: Saints Victor I, Melchiades, and Gelasius I. All three shepherded the early church through tough and tumultuous times in history. Black Catholics claim many Black Saints like Saints Cyprian, Zeno, Anthony of Egypt, Moses the Black, Pachomius, Maurice, Athanasius, Pisentius, Mary of Egypt, Cyril of Alexandria, Monica of Hippo, Augustine of Hippo, Perpetua, Felicitas, and Thecla. Some of these mystics, monastics, and, martyrs literally made the church what it is today.

Not many people know that King Nzinga-a-Nkuwu Mbemba (Afonso the Good) of the Kongo and his subjects made their profession of faith thanks to the work of Portuguese missionaries one year before Christopher Columbus made his famous voyage in 1492, or that Pope Leo X consecrated the king’s son, Henrique, Titular Bishop of Utica in 1518 which was one year before Martin Luther nailed his list of ninety-five theses to the Church in Wittenberg. Bishop Henrique was the first native bishop of West Africa. However, he died in 1531. The Congolese Church and the hopes for an indigenous clergy died with him. Finally, the genocidal slave trade killed true evangelization in sub-Saharan Africa for several centuries.

Notwithstanding the moral crimes of chattel slavery, the French and Spanish missionaries ministered to their free and enslaved African population within their respective colonies. This ministry laid the foundation for Black Catholic communities within the United States, i.e. Mobile, Alabama; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Saint Augustine, Florida. It is important to note that many African-American Catholics cherish a certain Peruvian Dominican, Saint Martin de Porres, the only Black Saint from the Western Hemisphere to date.

We continue to make the COVID Vaccine available each Friday through Jefferson University Hospital. They are able to offer booster shots as well as vaccines for children. PLEASE CONTACT THEM DIRECTLY WITH QUESTIONS (call 833-533-3463). Hesitant to be vaccinated still? Please watch this informative video. Please talk to your physician when making medical decisions if you have health concerns.

On Monday, November 29th Father Chris will join other priests at a Day of Sanctification. Archbishop Perez will gather with them to encourage them in the ways of holiness. Sadly, many priests across the nation are experiencing burnout, disillusionment, and depression under the burden of ministry. Please pray for our priests: Gracious and loving God, we thank you for the gift of our priests. Through them, we experience your presence in the sacraments. Help our priests to be strong in their vocation. Set their souls on fire with love for your people. Grant them the wisdom, understanding, and strength they need to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Inspire them with the vision of your Kingdom. Give them the words they need to spread the Gospel. Allow them to experience joy in their ministry. Help them to become instruments of your divine grace. We ask this through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns as our Eternal Priest. Amen.

When you come to Church this weekend, you will see our Giving Tree in the back of Church offering you a way to participate in our Home for Christmas event again this year (we will once again deliver items to the shelters as a precaution due to COVID). After Thanksgiving, we will begin our sign-ups for the various teams that will make the Home for Christmas event possible. WE ARE IN NEED OF A PERSON TO LEAD THE FOOD TEAM (organizing the donations, preparing them for delivery, etc.). Could this be you? Contact Fr. Chris in the Office or send an email to

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