On Monday, May 10th we will celebrate the Feast of Saint Father Damien of Molokai. The priest, born in Belgium, volunteered for a mission to Hawaii (long before it was a honeymoon destination). After some years on the "Big Island," he volunteered to serve those suffering from leprosy on a small part of a small island off of Maui. He lived there for 16 years until his own death from leprosy. He not only cared for their physical needs, but he also gave his all to bring them to Christ. He is a great inspiration to us and our work at St. Raymond. While we serve many social needs, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ is always the priority. Learn more about Father Damien HERE and watch a video of his life HERE.
Did you read last week's BULLETIN? Please plan to worship with us this weekend on Saturday at 5 pm or Sunday at 8 am or 10 am. Worshipping in person is safe for you, please be with us! You are welcome to worship from the front lawn at the 10 am Mass.

Are you praying for our young disciples? They need the prayers of our entire Church Family…not just their parents and grandparents. Let’s cover them in prayer as they persevere in a difficult school year (and their parents as well). Please continue to share these CHILDREN’S LITURGY reflections with our young disciples so that they are formed in the ways of Christ! Please share this TEACHING FROM BROCK HARRIS & FR. CHRIS and please download the worksheet as well.

Our parish delights in the young people who were welcomed to the table of the Lord for the first time. We thank their parents, Ms. Jennifer, and Ms. Arleen for their guidance and goodness. May we continue to form our young people in the way of Christ and learn from their joy in receiving Jesus!

While we have only started the Spring Season, it is also time to plan for the summer. If you have children or grandchildren who need some wonderful engagement in a safe environment this summer we need to hear from you as our staff makes plans. We hope to have a three-week Summer Camp option as well as an opportunity for a babysitting co-op to keep children safe without costing too much for parents. In order to help us plan, please complete the interest form for SUMMER DAYS AT SAINT RAYMOND as well as the interest form for BABYSITTING CO-OP AT SAINT RAYMOND. Thank you!

On May 15th and 16th, we will have our Annual May Devotion in honor of the Mother of God at all Masses. This year, we invite all girls ages 3 to 10 to join in the May Procession and honor Mary. The girls will wear a white dress and present a flower to our image of Mary. Sign up to be a part of the May Devotion. In addition, that weekend we will offer the Anointing of the Sick at all masses to parishioners who desire this sacrament of the Church. Sign up to receive the Sacrament of Anointing.

We will return to our study of St. John's Gospel from 7 pm to 8 pm on Wednesday, May 5th (and continue through June 9). You can join on ZOOM or in person in the Rectory Basement. Following Bible Study, you are invited to participate in a group discussion in person or on zoom. Please sign up so we can properly prepare for this Bible Study given the needs presented by technology and COVID. If you have questions, contact the Parish Office.

May, when we honor our earthy mothers, we also honor our heavenly mother, Mary. Jesus gave her to us at the Cross to be our guide, friend, and intercessor. If you have not had a "relationship" with Mary, perhaps now is the time. Take 2 minutes to reflect on WHY MARIAN DEVOTION IS IMPORTANT FOR CATHOLICS. Join Father Chris in praying the Rosary for the intentions of the parish (as well as the end to the pandemic) on the Sundays of Mary at 7 pm on ZOOM or his Facebook Page. Join the St. Raymond Family anytime and pray the Rosary on our YouTube Channel. Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday; the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday; the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday; the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday. Join us in prayer the Rosary live on Tuesday and Thursdays after 8 am Mass in the Church. You may also download FREE Rosary Guides that you can print out and use in praying the rosary! Join in the ZOOM ROSARY with people from across the Archdiocese Monday to Thursday at 8 pm.

If you have been at the corner of 66th Avenue & Old York Road you have seen the building pictured above. It is the Carmelite Monastery and has housed cloistered religious sisters for more than 120 years. In recent years a group of young sisters from Nebraska arrived and moved in but earlier this month they returned to Nebraska leaving only Mother Pia at the Carmel, she is 80 and now alone. The graces that come from the prayers and sacrifices offered in this holy place are essential for the conversion of our City. Please pray for new sisters to come and live and pray there. Please pray for the Pope and those who advise him on this decision. Please join in this Novena to St. Joseph each day of May:

Our parish date system is being upgraded. St. Raymond has been using the same data system since the Parish Office got a computer. The time has come. The new system will operate like the data systems used by your doctor's office, allowing you to access information, set up appointments, request information, join groups and so much more. It will take a few months to become fully operational but it will be a great asset in many ways once we are fully updated. You will be hearing more...for sure!

The Church celebrates the Ascension of Jesus on Thursday, May 13th. There will be Mass at 8 am and 10:30 am (with School Children). If you desire an evening Mass, Saint Athanasius has a 7 pm. You are also encouraged to find a Mass close to your home or place of work.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 25 that whatever we do for those who are in need, we do for Jesus!
We have two parishioners with needs that call for our Christian Charity. One gentleman is undergoing treatment for cancer and will need transportation to and from the hospital a few days a week in the morning (we hope YOU can make a four-hour commitment once a month on a weekday). A young woman will be on bed rest for six weeks awaiting the birth of her child and her husband may need help with home care or shopping during this time (we will respond to requests as they are made known; they live in Montgomeryville). By signing up you are expressing a willingness to learn more and possible assist when more details are given. If you would like to learn more, please sign up and you will be contacted.

Unlike Denny's, we are open. Please be with us this Saturday at 5 pm or Sunday at 8 am or 10 am as we praise the Lord. There will be a special gift and blessing for the mothers of our parish and all of the women who love us as mothers. Bring your mom!
