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Good News for May 3rd

This past weekend, I presented a vision and direction for the Parish of St. Raymond. This was done within the context of "Called for More." That is the archdiocesan-wide parish initiative that was mandated by Archbishop Nelson Perez. Over the next 3 years, St. Raymond Parish will invest a significant amount of focus and resources in three "Parish Priorities:"

  1. Ministries, Mentoring, and Accompaniment

  2. Outreach and Service

  3. Worship, Music, and Liturgy

Over the next few weeks, I would like to do a deep dive into each of those priorities. I will present details of the SMART Goals that are associated with each Parish Priority. By the way, a SMART Goal is a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable given time and resources, Relevant to the mission, and Timed for a particular date. I will outline the metrics or specific benchmarks we would like to reach for each of the goals. I will offer background details that were discussed in arriving at the priorities and goals. I will also present the biblical foundation that underlies each of the goals. This week we will look at the first Priority: Ministries, Mentoring, and Accompaniment. SMART Goal #1 under this Priority is based on Isaiah 6:8 - "And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” The goal is: "By the end of 2025, St. Raymond will develop 175 newly trained Disciples. They will determine, and actively move into their God-given leadership purpose. This will be accomplished by determining each person's charisms through participation in the “Called and Gifted” process." The Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2003 defines Charisms as spiritual gifts. They are special abilities given to all Christians by the Holy Spirit. It gives the person the power to represent Christ in the world. Charisms also offer an opportunity to be a channel of God's love, goodness, mercy, healing, and grace for people. Some charisms might seem rather ordinary (like administration, empathy, and helping). Some are extraordinary (like prophecy, physical healing, and unusually generous financial giving). All charisms ought to be exercised in the service of God. The Called and Gifted process is a small group-based program that helps people discern and nurture their charisms. It was developed by the Catherine of Siena Institute out of Colorado Springs. Close to 30 people at St. Raymond have either completed or were in the Called and Gifted process before the outbreak of Covid. We would like to re-engage those people and bring on at least 30 new people by the end of 2023. Our hope is to especially encourage a group of younger people(from College freshmen through people 35-40 years old) to participate. We will be sponsoring two information sessions in May:

  1. Monday May 15 at 7:00 PM in the Sister Rosemary Room (Rectory basement).

  2. Saturday May 27 at 9:00AM in the Sister Rosemary Room (Rectory basement).

Curious? Intrigued? Come to one of the information sessions. There is no obligation to commit if you attend the information session. ALSO, one of our SMART Goals was to have every St. Raymond Parishioner monthly invite one person to a St. Raymond-sponsored event. Here is an opportunity to do that. I look forward to seeing some of you there. Blessings.

Fr. Charles



On the weekend of May 20th and 21st, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be administered on Saturday at 5:00 pm and Sunday, at 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Parishioners are invited to be anointed who meet the following criteria: dealing with a chronic illness (cancer, diabetes, arthritis, lupus, diseases of the heart, lung & kidney, etc.) undergoing treatment for a disease/illness, or living at a very advanced age. If you qualify on the desk in the rear of the church or you must call the rectory no later than May 15th. No names will be accepted after this date. Should you have any questions please call Arleen Daniels at 215-549-3760 or email her at


Attention Eucharistic Ministers.

Please return any Pyx’s that you have.

We seem to be missing them.


Be One With Nature!

Depart from St. Raymond parking lot at 8:40 am

  • Special Collection Envelopes

  • 5/7 First Holy Communion

  • 5/14 Catholic Home Missions

What's Happening in May

  • 5/7 First Holy Communion

  • 5/14 Mother's Day

  • 5/18 Ascension Thursday

  • 5/20 and 5/21 Anointing of the Sick.

  • 5/21 Hospitality Sunday after the 10 am Mass

  • 5/28 Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost party after 10 am mass.



Opportunities to Reflect, Renew & Restore

Cranaleith Spiritual Center, 13475 Proctor Rd, Phila. Pa 19116

Gaelic for “sanctuary of trees,” Cranaleith offers serene and rejuvenating space to those who wish to reflect on what matters deeply in their lives, renew their spirit for life and work, or restore themselves from life’s traumas. Individuals and groups are invited to participate in retreats and other programs offered in a spirit-rekindling environment of well-being, respect, and harmony. Cranaleith is a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Mercy. For program, information log on to,



As more people have returned to in-person mass, we’ve had lots of questions about joining the choir at St Raymond. If you’d like to become a part of this amazing ministry, please reach out to our Director of Music, Kenny Arrington, at so that he can set up a time to meet and conduct a voice assessment to determine where your voice may fit. We’re looking for people who are moved to Praise God through song, are humble, patient, and able to commit to attending weekly practices and singing for our 10:00 mass.


Please support the “Giving Hope to All” - Catholic Charities Appeal’s special campaign. Funds generated directly support over 180 ministries, organizations, and programs serving nearly a million people each year who come from all walks of life. Mail-in information envelopes are in the back of church



Congress XIII (2023)

Announcing the Congress Theme

“Write the Vision: A Prophetic Call to Thrive”

July 20-23, 2023

The Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center

201 Waterfront Street, National Harbor, MD 20745


Sunday, June 4, 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Event: My Guy and I Afternoon Retreat (in person)

Leading the retreat will be Rob Longo joined by his daughter Grace. Make this a special day with your daughter(s), granddaughters, or nieces! Spend time together, pray, have lunch, and walk our beautiful grounds. Recommended age is 10+.

Location: Upper McShain/Dining Hall, Malvern Retreat House, Malvern PA

More info: For more information; Registration is required for this event.



Monday Evenings, 8 PM

Event: Virtual World Mission Rosary

Join hundreds of people throughout the Archdiocese who have regularly been praying the ROSARY LIVE! United in this most powerful prayer, we ask for the miraculous intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary to hear our intentions and renew our Catholic faith as we pray in unity for our brothers and sisters in mission lands world-wide. On Mission Mondays, we pray the World Mission Rosary, created by Venerable Fulton Sheen, in which we offer each decade for one of five Mission areas, including the US.

Location: Use this Zoom link to join each Monday:

More Info: Sponsored by the Pontifical Missions Societies (


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