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Good News for March 30th

Last Friday Pope Francis (and other faith leaders) consecrated Russia & Ukraine to Mary's Immaculate Heart in hopes of new graces flowing into the nation's leaders that will lead to peace! Pray the Prayer of Consecration and invite God's grace more into your heart (like Mary did).

Does your schedule allow you to join us for Eucharistic Adoration on Tuesday or Thursday from 8:30 to 9:30 am? Please try...if not with us, adore Him somewhere!

This weekend we continue a sermon series on the victory with can have in Jesus as we seek to overcome all the struggles that are mentioned above. Last weekend we discussed VICTORY OVER ANGER! Listen to the Homily. This week's topic: VICTORY IN JESUS OVER RESENTMENT! Invite a loved one or friend who suffers from anger (many people do). Remember, you are welcome to come to one of our Prayer Teams after Mass for ministry as well!


NEED INFORMATION ON COVID TESTING AND COVID VACCINES? Please note that vaccines are no longer offered every Friday. Vaccines will be offered on April 8th and April 29th!

We will be praying the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Mother before Masses throughout Lent. We are in need of people to assist in leading the Rosary. Can you sign up to help? For more information, contact Richara at

Join us for seven consecutive Fridays to learn more about how to live in the Holy Spirit! God has a glorious plan for you! Want to register? Contact them directly by emailing

The time is now! Our parish, along with every parish in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, will participate in this amazing survey that helps parishes understand where people are in their walk with Jesus. PLEASE TAKE THE DMI TODAY - we need to hear from you (and it only takes 15 minutes). Our goal is to receive at least 300 responses (so far we have 260 responses) so we need you and others in your household to participate (we have until April 3). Thank you!

As a community of faith, we hold each other in prayer each day...

  • FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Msgr. O'Brien (who fell and hurt his knees), Deacon Bill, Hazel Scott, Patricia Laughlin, Joan Bender, Ernestine McCullough, Atiba's mother, for victims of recent shootings in our neighborhood; and all who are sick with COVID or struggling with mental illness

  • FOR THOSE WHO ARE GRIEVING: Those grieving a loved one who died in recent days, and those who lost someone to the violence in our City. Lord, heaven mercy on those who have died!

  • FOR SPECIAL NEEDS: for peace in Ukraine, for young families who are without a Church Home; for those who long for VICTORY over ANGER; for parents who are dealing with troubled children of all ages!

  • Tomorrow is April Fool's Day - be careful! Did you know there is a Catholic origin?

  • Is war ever "moral"? The Church has a Just War Theory and theologicans are looking at the "morality" of the war between Russia and Ukraine.

  • Father Chris needs volunteers to have their feet washed during the Holy Thursday 7 pm Mass. If you would like to be included, please contact Fr. Chris at

  • Pope Francis has offered to mediate peace in Ukraine. If you would like to donate funds that will be able to help the people of Ukraine, see these options.

  • What does a recent Pew Study on Black Catholics reveal to us? (and check out whose photo is used in the article as well)

  • Have Left Overs? Don’t toss them out! Why not package them for Caring for Friends? We are in constant need of a variety of meals for ailing seniors. The one meal that you discard can be a meal for an ailing senior living alone. Containers are located in the Sacristy. Frozen meals can be dropped off at the Rectory between the hours of 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM. For more info, contact Arleen at 215-549-3760.

  • On Saturday, April 9th - please join us for our Saint Raymond Game Night - come by yourself, with friends, or your whole family (kids are welcome). We will begin at 6:30 pm in the School Hall. Bring your own games (cards, board games, whatever) and we will have some as well! Want to help us plan? Contact

  • The Philadelphia Catholic Charities Appeal has started. Learn more and pledge your support.

  • Check out CatholicPhilly. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from them as well. Stay informed!

Give your spouse the gift of time together focusing on your marriage! Join Father Chris and other wonderful speakers (the others are all married) for a Day of Reflection at Cardinal O'Hara High School on April 2nd. REGISTER for the event and then give Father Chris the receipt so he can pay for you to focus on your marriage (he will pay for the babysitter too if you need help with that - seriously)! Need to know more, call Fr Chris

Deb Gawthrop will host an IN-PERSON Grief Support Group at St. Luke Chapel House (2330 Fairhill Road, Glenside. The series has been a blessing for many people from St. Raymond. Call 215-624-8190 to save your place. Topics are: Dealing with Special Days (April 12); Physical Symptoms of Grief (April 26); Grief & Family (May 10); Myths about Grief (May 24) & Does Grief End? (June 7). Invite a friend!

So...what do you think? Please MAKE TIME TO SHARE YOUR OPINION ON THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH. If you want to participate at the diocesan level... St. Malachy Church (near Temple) will host a listening session on Saturday, April 2nd (9 am to 11 am). Please REGISTER. Stay tuned for future dates to gather and talk through things - including gatherings throughout the summer at St. Raymond.

On Saturday, April 2nd Rep. Rabb will host a FREE Paper Shredding Event at St. Raymond (the truck will be located at the corner of Williams Avenue and Phil-Elena Street) from 9 am to 11 am. Two bags of paper per household; no magazines. THEY WILL ALSO COLLECT MEDICATIONS THAT NEED TO BE DISPOSED OF (NO LIMIT TO MEDS).

The Lord is merciful - he wants to be merciful to you!

Come to confession this weekend...Jesus makes things better!

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