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Good News for March 24th

Writer's picture: St. Raymond of PenafortSt. Raymond of Penafort

Updated: Apr 20, 2021

The Solemnity of the Annunciation is celebrated tomorrow, March 25th. This means you have nine months until we celebrate Christmas! This Solemnity recalls the moment the angel Gabriel appeared to the young Virgin Mary to announce God's plan for her to be the mother of the Savior. As we give thanks to God for the YES of Mary, can you make a few minutes to reflect on your own YES to the plan God has for you? God has a beautiful plan for you and needs your YES as much as Mary's YES. If your schedule allows, why not join us for the 8am Mass on Thursday to pray in thanksgiving!

HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE 2021 PALM SUNDAY: Regular weekend Schedule (5, 8, and 10) with the Church open from Noon to 2pm for those who wish to obtain Blessed Palm (while supplies last). CONFESSION: Father Chris will be available for Confession on Wednesday, March 31st from 8:30am to 9;30am and from 6:30pm to 8:00pm (please enter the Church through the ramp door; Fr Chris will be set up in the sanctuary where you can confess face to face or behind the screen). Need help preparing for confession?

  • HOLY THURSDAY: Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7pm (and on YouTube) No Washing of the Feet this year to honor health precautions. Quiet Prayer until 10pm at the Repository (in the back of Church this year to allow for distancing).

  • GOOD FRIDAY: Service of the Passionat 3pm (we will reverence the Cross with a bow but there will be no “contact” in respect to health precautions) and Stations of the Cross at 7pm. Both on YouTube.

  • EASTER VIGIL: Mass at 7pm.

  • EASTER SUNDAY: Alleluia! Masses at 8am and 10am (which is on YouTube; weather permitting the speakers will be outside as well).

Please download the Passion for this Weekend if you would like to follow along and read the "crowd" part during Mass as we will not have handouts available: Palm-Sunday-2021

Guiding Star Ministries (GSM) Maternity Home (located next to St. Benedict Church in Germantown) provides shelter and assistance to pregnant women and their children. The staff and residents of GSM strive to work together to create a beautiful home and a welcoming community. There is an immediate opening for both Live-In Overnight Staff and Part-time Staff (there are several members of St. Raymond who have been serving in this way for years and could offer you insights on the experiences). This is an excellent service opportunity that includes free room and board plus stipend for Live-In and hourly wage for Part-time staff. Positions are open immediately for female candidates over 21 years of age with a positive spirit, a heart for moms, babies and the pro-life mission, and the ability to adapt and be flexible in a variety of situations. Send resume and cover letter to or call Claire at 215-885-8150.

Virtual Stations of the Cross on March 26th! Presented by a multigenerational team of Black Catholics (based in Chicago, IL), this virtual prayer service takes us on a journey by way of the Cross of Jesus and inspired by Black Lives Matter. Using music, dance, poetry, each station presenter uses their own artful creativity, inspiration, and interpretation for bridging Black Lives Matter and the Stations of the Cross. Our service will start on Friday, March 26th at 8:00 PM (EST). REGISTER HERE

We continue our year of Saint Joseph and seek to grow in imitation of him through this beautiful Reflection from Phil Schwartz. Were you able to worship with us this past weekend? Father Chris offered thoughts to practice MORTIFICATION like St. Joseph. Be sure to catch up on parish news by reading the BULLETIN as well.

Are you praying for our young disciples? They need the prayers of our entire Church Family...not just their parents and grandparents. Let's cover them in prayer as they persevere in a difficult school year (and their parents as well). Please continue to share these CHILDREN'S LITURGY reflections with our young disciples so that they are formed in the ways of Christ! This week our reflections come from Richara and Fr. Chris. Please download the worksheet as well: CLOW-Mar28

Father Chris and Richara recently offered three Evenings of Reflection for the Diocese of Camden. Each session is available on YouTube and can be viewed at anytime in the days leading to Easter as a personalized Lenten Retreat. Night One: How do I turn away from sin? Night Two: How can I be more faithful to the Gospel? Night Three: Why does it matter if I return to the Church? Please make time (each session is less than an hour with the talk, beautiful music and prayer) and please share with others as well!

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