This Sunday (and Monday), we celebrate the birth of a dream of a nation where all would be free. What began in our City on July 4, 1776, is still taking form. When Pope Francis was here he said: The history of this nation is also the tale of a constant effort, lasting to our own day, to embody those lofty principles in social and political life. READ MORE OF HIS SPEECH. Fly your flag this weekend! Pray for our nation this weekend! Join us for Mass on Monday at 9 am as we pray together in thanksgiving and in hope for a new day!
Did you read last week's BULLETIN? Have you "subscribed" to our YouTube Channel (it does not cost anything but helps us build our reach; please do so today). Worshipping in person is safe for you, please be with us! You are welcome to worship from the front lawn at the 10 am Mass. Father Chris has a VIDEO MESSAGE for the Parish Family as we move into a new "phase" with the rest of our City and State. In addition, please read our new plan as COVID-related restrictions during this new season. The church is safe...join us and bring the family!
We are a Church blessed with many young people! As we seek to serve their needs and help them grow as disciples, we are always seeking ways to meet their needs. As we move through this post-pandemic season, we believe it is time to GATHER IN PERSON FOR CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD! The children will be sent out with their Catechists during the 10 am Mass and we will use an air-conditioned classroom in the Church Basement to allow for some distancing. Please spread the word. Please plan to be with us and bring your children. If this is the first time for your child (normally ages 4 to 9) to attend Children's Liturgy of the Word, you are welcome to join them as well. God be praised! Please pray for our Catechists and children as we reengage in this wonderful ministry for the good of our young disciples!
BETHANY MINISTRY TEAM: Assist us in welcoming people to Church at all Masses and keeping things smooth during Mass. You will serve once a month (this replaces Restore, Ushers & Greeters). Call Minta in the Parish Office or email her at to sign up or get more info.
NURSING HOME MINISTRY: Assist in bringing the love of Jesus (and Holy Communion) to local nursing homes. The opportunities vary regarding the day of the week and time of the day so please be in touch with Deacon Bill at and he will assist you in coming to understand what God desires for you!
The Sisters of Life are celebrating their 30th Anniversary! Founded in New York City to care for women facing an unplanned pregnancy, they have served Philadelphia from St. Malachy Church for the last few years. Read about them today!
While we remain hopeful that some will be found alive in the tragic collapse of the apartment building in Miami, things do not look good. Yet we must remain faithful in all things - as this article and video remind us!
St. Raymond School is in need of a PreK Teacher and a 3rd Grade Teacher. We also need a person to coordinate the After School Program (Monday to Friday, 3 pm to 6 pm). Interested? Want more information? Contact our Principal, Mr. Harris at
The Archdiocese provides news on the local, national and international Church through its website CatholicPhilly. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from them as well. Stay informed!
There are many opportunities to develop your Catholic Faith throughout the Philadelphia area. CHECK THIS OUT!
This summer, Father Chris invites you to join him for a conversation with a small group of parishioners. It is called: Recovering Acts 4, 32: Becoming one in mind and heart. Christians agree that we need to share what we have with those in need. We agree that we need to love each other, even when it is very tough. But being of one mind - believing the same things - is where many get stuck. Join me for five conversations on our Church’s Belief Statements as we strive to recover the unity and zeal of the early Church. Our Belief Statements can be found at > About > Our Beliefs. Our topics will be as follows: Session 1: Do we need a Church? Does the Church you attend matter? Session 2: Why do we “need” a Pope, Bishops, and a male-only priesthood? Session 3: Are the sacraments still relevant in 2021? Session 4: Appreciating beliefs on Chastity, Marriage, and Getting High. Session 5: How Mary & the Saints guide us in living a fully human life. We will offer three different sessions (all starting the week of July 5th): Tuesday Night from 7 to 8:30 pm which will be LIVE; Wednesday Morning from 8:30 to 10:00 am which will be LIVE; and Thursday Night from 7 to 8:30 pm which will be via ZOOM. Each group will be limited to 7-9 people and I will be assisted by a member of the staff. Please think about it, check your calendar, and please SIGN UP TO SAVE YOUR SPOT at the table!
As we have shared before, we are transitioning to a new online system for electronic giving Parish Giving has served us well, Pushpau will take us to a new level with text to give and more (and the processing fees are less). As we begin our new Fiscal Year on July 1, perhaps it is time for you to think about your sacrificial giving to St. Raymond. Please consider signing up for PushPay (and stopping other online giving accounts once that is done). START HERE. If you choose to start the process from your mobile device, simply text straymond to 833-363-7471. We are most grateful for your goodness!
THIS GUY NEEDS PRAYERS! The vocation to holiness is always a challenge. These days, it is especially difficult for many priests. Did you know that we only ordained two men as priests this year? Did you know that many priests leave the priesthood after only a few years of service? Some become overwhelmed by the burdens of priestly ministry. Some fall into unhealthy habits or addictive behaviors. Some burnout. Others rust out! Praise God Father Chris remain happy as a priest and very happy as our Pastor. But he needs prayer. The Archdiocese is launching a new program that will allow people to pray a Eucharistic Holy Hour once a week for a priest. There will be seven people praying for each priest so the graces are flowing each day. Could you pray a Holy Hour (ideally in Church in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament) one day a week for Fr. Chris? Learn more about the program. If interested, let Richara know at
On this Independence Day I am reminded of all those who have sacrificed for my freedom, following the example of your Son, Jesus Christ. Let me not take my freedom, both physical and spiritual, for granted. May I always remember that my freedom was purchased with a very high price. My freedom cost others their very lives. Lord, today, bless those who have served and continue to give their lives for my freedom. With favor and bounty meet their needs and watch over their families. Help me to live my life in a way that glorifies you, Lord. Give me the strength to be a blessing in someone else's life today, and grant me the opportunity to lead others into the freedom that can be found in knowing Christ. Ame