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Writer's pictureSt. Raymond of Penafort

Good News for June 2nd

This weekend we celebrated the Solemnity of the Body & Blood of Jesus Christ (commonly known as Corpus Christi). It is a day to celebrate the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist which we receive at Holy Communion. Learn more about the Real Presence of Jesus in THIS VIDEO TEACHING (well worth the 35 minutes to be renewed as we approach this holy feast).

How is your marriage? Need a bit of renewal? Try: Retrouvaille: Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage Tens of thousands of couples have healed their marriages through Retrouvaille (pronounced Retro-vy). If you know anyone who could benefit from this program, please pass this on. Couples learn to build communication skills and to increase intimacy. It provides help for marriage problems, difficulties, or crises. The next program begins the weekend of August 13 - 15, 2021 at the Family Life Center in Malvern, PA. For more information, or to register, visit or call 215-766-3944 or 800-470-2230. Fr Chris is willing to pay for any couples who attend (he is confident it will be a blessing for you). All inquiries are strictly confidential.

St. Raymond has received an amazing gift from Mr. Anthony Pirillo who worshipped at our 5 pm Mass for many years and passed away 8-5-20. Anthony left us $249,865. Praise God! The fund will be used to renovate the Church Basement in the near future, a project that was of great interest to Anthony. Please consider a gift to our Parish when you plan your own estate! Not sure how to do that, contact Father Chris for assistance.

Did you read last week's BULLETIN? Please plan to worship with us this weekend on Saturday at 5 pm or Sunday at 8 am or 10 am. Worshipping in person is safe for you, please be with us! You are welcome to worship from the front lawn at the 10 am Mass. Father Chris has a VIDEO MESSAGE for the Parish Family as we move into a new "phase" with the rest of our City and State. In addition, please read our new plan as COVID-related restrictions are amended in the weeks to come.

June 3rd is the Feast of the Ugandan Martyrs (including St Charles Lwanga who is featiured in our mural). The martyrs have an amazing story which is worth your reflection. They are the patrons of African American Youth; please pray for our teenagers and young adults: O, Lord Jesus Christ, you have wonderfully strengthened the holy Martyrs of Uganda, and have given them to us as examples of faith and fortitude, chastity, charity, and fidelity, we beseech you that by their intercession, the same virtues may increase in us and especially in our youth and young adults at St. Raymond and that we may deserve to become propagators of the true faith. who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Are you praying for our young disciples? They need the prayers of our entire Church Family…not just their parents and grandparents. Let’s cover them in prayer as they persevere in a difficult school year (and their parents as well). Please continue to share these CHILDREN’S LITURGY reflections with our young disciples so that they are formed in the ways of Christ! Please share this TEACHING FROM FR CHRIS and please download the worksheet as well. THE CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD WILL RETURN TO IN-PERSON GATHERINGS (IN THE CHURCH BASEMENT) IN THE MONTH OF JULY AT THE 10 AM MASS.

We will continue our study of St. John's Gospel from 7 pm to 8 pm on Wednesday nights through June 9th. You can join on ZOOM or in person in the Rectory Basement. Following Bible Study, you are invited to participate in a group discussion in person or on zoom. If you have questions, contact the Parish Office. If you missed the Bible Study, you can find them recorded on Fr. Chris' Facebook page - enjoy! Join us next week even if you missed the previous weeks!

VAN DRIVER: We would like to restore our van service for Church Members who need a ride to the 10am Mass. No experience needed, just a decent driving record and desire to serve for a few hours one Sunday month. Please call Brandi in the Church Office or email her at

SHUTTLE TO HOSPITAL: We have a parishioner who does for cancer treatment at Penn Presbyterian Monday to Friday. You would pick him up close to St. Raymond at Noon and drop him back home around 2:30. Could you help one day a week? Please call Brandi in the Church Office or email her at

BETHANY MINISTRY TEAM: Assist us in welcoming people to Church at all Masses and keeping things smooth during Mass. You will serve once a month (this replaces Restore, Ushers & Greeters). Call Minta in the Parish Office or email her at to sign up or get more info.

GARDENING: our flower beds around the property need some loving attention throughout the summer? Could you help Father Chris keep them looking good? Give him a call! Please plan to be with us at the Cathedral as we celebrate the amazing life of Venerable Father Tolton. If you need a ride, do not hesitate to contact Fr Chris at

Many Christians are "confused" by the conversations and news reports about transgender and gender fluidity. How are people with biblically-based Christian faith respond in love to those who struggle with gender identity? If this issue is not touching your life today, it likely will soon - inform your mind and heart. Please consider attending this course (on Zoom) this summer. If you would like, our parish will pay the costs (as long as you attend all sessions).

Sister Lynn Marie Ralph, SBS - who serves in the Office of Black Catholic for the Archdiocese - is putting a database together for the Office for Black Catholics. Sister would like to invite you to submit your email and/or cell phone number so that updated information can be sent out to you coming from the office. Please indicate what parish you belong to as well. Email sister at:

On Sunday, June 20th at the 10 am Mass we will commemorate Juneteenth as a Church Family. If you would like to be part of this commemoration or have creative ideas on how we ought to celebrate, please contact Fr Chris at

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