The Body of Christ. Amen! This weekend we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ! This year, Corpus Christi marks the launch of a three year initiative to renew our love for Jesus Christ, our Eucharistic Lord. Watch this message from Archbishop Perez. The Archdiocese has established a special website for the Eucharistic Revival. Check it ou!
Who will you invite to join us for Mass this weekend? God needs you to do the inviting!
NEED INFORMATION ON COVID TESTING AND COVID VACCINES? Please note that vaccines are no longer offered every Friday.
As a community of faith, we hold each other in prayer each day...
FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Hazel Scott, Patti Laughlin, Marvin Young, Dolores Mason, Ed Sharkinow, Alicia Wells, and Barbara Campbell, for victims of recent shootings in our neighborhood; and all who are sick with COVID or struggling with mental illness
FOR THOSE WHO ARE GRIEVING: For the family of Father O'Brien; Lord, have mercy on those who have died!
FOR SPECIAL NEEDS: for the Holy Spirit to guide the transition of leadership at our parish; for graduates who are looking for work; for an end to the persecution of Catholics in Nigeria
Catholic Churches remain on alert as we await the Supreme Court's decision on the current abortion case. Sadly protestors are disrupting Masses across the nation. It is very tragic. Please pray for those who commit such offenses.
Want to live to 113? Learn a few secrets from this guy!
We are in Pride Month. How is a Christian to respond?
Our crucifix is back in our sanctuary - join us this weekend to see how beautiful our Lord looks!
Our parish is not the only parish in the nation frustrated by policies that move pastors after a set number of years. Check out this article!
Please keep in prayer our fellow Catholics in Nigeria who face great persecution. Read more...
If you wish to connect with our incoming Parochial Administrator, Father Jeff Rott, please email him at
Check out CatholicPhilly. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from them as well. Stay informed!
Dear Friends in Christ,
This time of year, many of us attend graduation ceremonies and parties. As student’s complete kindergarten, elementary school, high school, trade school or college there is a twofold dimension – they say goodbye to what they leave behind and hello to what is to come. This is certainly how I feel as well as I write this final letter for our Church Bulletin!
Fourteen years is a long time. More than 700 Sunday where I prayed and sang with you. The funerals, Bible Studies, planning meetings, parties, counseling sessions, jokes (some of which were funny), dinners and visits to your homes, phone calls and emails – have all left an imprint on me. Thank you for letting me into your life. I am blessed by all you have been and done for me.
But there is also a commencement – a new beginning. Continue to worship. Continue to serve. Continue to welcome others and invite people to Mass. Continue to pray daily. Continue to own this parish support it in all the ways you have in my time. Do new things that build this Church! Will things be different? Of course! The people of St. Cecilia are going to experience that too as they adjust to me (pray for them). But we must move forward.
You are welcome to email me at (better than calls and texts right now). I will be posting video reflections during the week on St. Cecilia’s new You Tube Channel (St. Cecilia Church – Fox Chase) - please go and subscribe as I need to get to 1,000 subscribers as soon as possible. St. Cecilia streams the 9:30 am Mass on their website ( I plan to celebrate that Mass each week. I look forward to welcoming you when you visit – please bring your FULL SELF when you do visit!
Pray for me. Pray for Fr. Jeff. God is able. God is always able! As you know, here will be a Farewell Cabaret (BYOE) on Saturday, June 18th from 6 pm to 9 pm in the School Hall. All are welcome. Please let us know you are coming.
Father Chris
Father John O'Brien, Pastor of Saint Raymond from 1987 to 2008, a priest of Jesus Christ and lover of God's people, passed away after a long illness on Monday, June 14th. He leaves to grieve his loss, a dear sister Ann, her children Kevin and Maura, extended family, his Saint Raymond Family, and many others who were blessed by his life and goodness throughout his 89 years of life!
His funeral plans are as follows:
His body will be received at Saint Raymond Church at 8:55 am on Saturday, June 18th. There will be a brief Prayer Service with the family and anyone else who wishes to gather.
There will be a viewing of the body from 9:10 am until 10:50 am in Saint Raymond Church.
Bishop Timothy Senior will celebrate Msgr. O'Brien's Funeral Mass at 11:00 am. If you are unable to attend, the Mass will be live-streamed.
There will be a repast (Funeral Luncheon) immediately following the Funeral Mass in our School Hall. If you would be so kind, please bring a cake or other dessert (please take it to the School Hall prior to the Funeral Mass). If you would like to volunteer to assist in serving the Funeral Luncheon, please contact Nicole Crumpler at
If you would like to assist with guiding those visiting St. Raymond for the funeral, so they feel welcome and assisted, please contact Minta Brown at
Father O'Brien will be buried with his parents at Saint Patrick Cemetery later in the afternoon. All are welcome to attend. Location and time will be given on the day of the funeral.
In your kindness, please contact friends and family so we are sure all know about the loss of our dear Father in Christ. If you have questions, please call the Parish Office at 215-549-3760 or email Brandi at
Lord Jesus, please help us love our children
and all of our sisters and brothers more than
we love our guns and "freedom" to have guns.
Give us wisdom. Humble our hearts and minds.
Guide us to a path of goodness.
Praise God that Saint Raymond is that place for us all!
Let God do something new in you this week!