Today is the Feast of Saint Martha, a dear friend of Jesus and sister of Lazarus and Mary of Bethany. This image is from a painting at London's National Gallery called Christ in the House of Martha and Mary, by Diego Velázquez. It shows Martha's anxiety and worries. Jesus appreciated her service to so many, including himself. But, he did not want her to miss the "better part" of being with Him! Remember this lesson. In the midst of the worries of life, be with Jesus. At Holy Mass, in daily prayer, and in visits to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament (you are welcome to visit our Church any time Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm, enter through the Rectory Offices). Choose the better part!
Did you read last week's BULLETIN? Have you "subscribed" to our YouTube Channel (it does not cost anything but helps us build our reach; please do so today). Worshipping in person is safe for you, please be with us! You are welcome to worship from the front lawn at the 10 am Mass. Please continue to invite your family, friends, and neighbors to return to worship or worship with us for the first time! Our world needs people committed to prayer, worship, common beliefs, and acts of charity. Remember Father Chris' challenge for us this week: live the Mass in all of its fullness (as we learned from the miracles of loaves and fish) - bring the "leftovers" to someone this week (and maybe invite them to join us this weekend).
We are a Church blessed with many young people! As we seek to serve their needs and help them grow as disciples, we are always seeking ways to meet their needs. As we move through this post-pandemic season, we believe it is time to GATHER IN PERSON FOR CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the Month (which includes this weekend)! The children will be sent out with their Catechists during the 10 am Mass and we will use an air-conditioned classroom in the Church Basement to allow for some distancing. Please spread the word ( we had a great crowd of young people this past week). If this is the first time for your child (normally ages 4 to 9) to attend Children's Liturgy of the Word, you are welcome to join them as well. God be praised! Please pray for our Catechists and children as we reengage in this wonderful ministry for the good of our young disciples!
Have you ever heard of Father Stanely Rother from Oklahoma? He is among America's newest "blesseds" and soon-to-be saints. Learn more about his life (and death)...
Many are talking about Olympic Gymnast Simon Biles, but have you thought about what her experiences can teach you? Take a few minutes and learn...
CAP4KIDS has amazing resources for parents and grandparents in serving their children. Please check out their site and share with others who may have a need.
Need a new school for your child or grandchild? Perhaps you have a neighbor looking for a new school? Recommend St. Raymond School (we have a few openings for the new year).
St. Raymond School has filled all of our positions - praise God! Pray for our faculty as they begin to prepare for students!
Office of Black Catholics has published their monthly newsletter, please make time to read it and become informed:
The Archdiocese provides news on the local, national and international Church through its website CatholicPhilly. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from them as well. Stay informed!
There are many opportunities to develop your Catholic Faith throughout the Philadelphia area. CHECK THIS OUT!
As we have shared before, we are transitioning to a new online system for electronic giving Parish Giving has served us well, Pushpay will take us to a new level with text to give and more (and the processing fees are less). As we begin our new Fiscal Year on July 1, perhaps it is time for you to think about your sacrificial giving to St. Raymond. Please consider signing up for PushPay (and stopping other online giving accounts once that is done; if you need assistance with that do not hesitate to contact us). START HERE. If you choose to start the process from your mobile device, simply text straymond to 833-363-7471. We are most grateful for your goodness!
We invite our Young Disciples to join us for a week of Vacation Bible Camp (Youth ages 5-10). The camp will take place from Monday, August 23rd thru Friday, August 27th. Campers w3ill arrive at 9 am and will be dismissed at 4 pm. Join us for a week of faith, fellowship and fun! The fee for participation for the week is $50 per child. Please contact Richara at if you are interested in registering your child or if you would like to volunteer for a couple of hours to support this great experience for our youth! Jesus pulls us all through!
All married couples experience challenges. All married couples have to be proactive in building intimacy within their marriage. We have a FREE resource for you! The EPIC Marriage Intimacy Challenge is now LIVE! Take just 10 minutes a day for four days and discover...
What the four levels of marital intimacy are and how to keep them from breaking down.
How to prevent intimacy and communication problems from occurring in the first place.
Proven techniques to strengthen the physical and emotional connections.
Why even good marriages end, and how to "divorce-proof" your marriage.