We’ve been working our way through the cycle on the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This was an encyclical written by Pope Francis. I’d like to deviate from the cycle this week and turn to another author.
Louis Bouyer was a former French Lutheran minister. He converted to the Catholic faith and later was ordained a priest. He was a member of the religious order, the oratory of Jesus.
Bouyer was one of the giants of theology during the second Vatican council. He was an associate of Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict) and was familiar with Karl Woyjtya (later Pope John Paul). He's listed as having written 16 books translated to English. Many other works were in French. He wrote about the spirituality of the church, of the spirituality of the Middle Ages, of architecture, of liturgy, of Jesus Christ.
I’ve been working through one of his books. The title is An Introduction to the Spiritual Life. I have found some theology books I've read to be so dense that I cannot understand them, much less enjoy them. Although somewhat long, over 400 pages, I’m finding Introduction to the Spiritual Life to be very readable. Are you looking for spiritual reading that is a little challenging, but not overwhelming? You might enjoy this book.
In one section, Bouyer talks about the heart as it relates to human work. Bouyer defines work in an interesting way. He says it is the special form of “faith working through love. It is the person’s self-gift which shares in the creative and generous design of God. Thus, work should be an achievement of charity, which should be reigning first of all in his own heart.” Thus, work is no longer merely a job. It is an activity that has a supernatural aspect.
All have had unpleasant jobs. Consider the history of work through the lens of the Industrial Revolution. Conditions at that time were not only deplorable. Occasionally, they were downright immoral.
Bouyer puts an intriguing twist on this. He writes: “There are servile forms of work. They seem at first sight to have nothing but a trial of faith to offer the one who devotes himself or herself to them. They seem so barren of any positive, human satisfaction.
And yet, frequently they afford a person the opportunities for generous contact with others. An act of charity to a co-worker can be an act of faith and a witness to a colleague. It is then not merely a kind gesture. It is some foretaste of the eternal reward. It echoes Jesus' statement in Matthew 10:42 about the “person who gives a cup of water to one of the least ones. That person will not be without their reward.”
Consider the people with whom you interact this week at work. Interpersonal interactions can be positive, negative, or neutral. Even so, all offer us an opportunity to receive and to give charity. According to Bouyer, for people of faith, this charity flows from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
So, offer someone a kind gesture this week.
Fr. Charles Zlock
Follow me on social media!
Good Things are Happening at St. Raymond!
Hot Chocolate Hikes

Our "Bible, Boots, and Backpacks" hikes are back with a winter twist — Hot Chocolate! Father Zlock will lead us on a simple winter walk where we’ll enjoy nature, reflect on Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’, and take some time to slow down together.
We’ll wrap it all up with a warm cup of hot chocolate to shake off the chill. Kids are welcome, so bring the family and join us for some fresh air and good conversation!

The parish is grateful to all who donated to our Christmas Flower Collection in Memory of Loved Ones:
The Graham & Porchea Family from Mr. & Mrs. Willie Porchea; Cassie & Bill Hall from Catherine Gumby; Beulah Shreeves, Herbert Shreeves & Sondra Hearn from Renee Jenerette; Edward Johnson & Ruth K. Thomas from Araminta Brown; Elizabeth Linkewich, Peter Linkewich & Anne Linkewich from Elaine Linkewich; Steve Green, Sue Bryant, Ralph Moralis & Walter Glasgow from Vernita Larue; Richard & Ernest, Debra & Rochelle from Katie Robinson; Sara L. Boddie, Sylvia Williams & Willie Mae Williams from Thomasine Boddie; Geraldine Keys from Patricia Keys; Marjorie and Choice Durham from Gail Blair; Helen & Eddie Eng, Earline Marshall from Janet Marshall; Doreen Hersey from Brooke Sites; William E. & Colleen E. Honesty from Patricia Honesty; Charles J. White from Helena White; The Satchell Family, The Anderson Family, Tom, Ruth, Naomi, Bonnie, Tim, Mary & Earle from Cheryl Satchell; Joseph Black & Frances Stewart from Ethel Black; Earnest J. Cooper Sr., Estelle Clark, Marian Labell & Ed Johnson from Ella Cooper; Dora Wilson & Naomi Nicholson from Otis Wilson; Mr. & Mrs. William Jeter, Benjamin Goins, Ellen Jeter, Shirley & Andrea Brooks from Alethia Goin; The Cummings, The Cooper & The Nealy Families from Mr. & Mrs. James Farmbry; BarbaraJo Broadnax & Edward Broadnax Jr. from Traci Broadnax; Betty Nealy, Ronald Nealy, Lillian Cooper & Johnie Mae Cummings from Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Farmbry; Mrs. Lillian Simmons & Mrs. Lillian Jones from Sharon Simmons
Archbishop Pérez's Pastoral Letter

Archbishop Pérez published a Pastoral Letter on Sunday, January 5th. This letter outlines his hopes for the Church of Philadelphia over the coming years. He is asking for your help in being a part of the process. You can read his entire letter at https://trustandhope.org. For your convenience, a condensed version appears below.
Condensed version of Archbishop Perez’s Letter
Today, 83% of our fellow baptized Catholics don’t come to church. That fact needs to make us uncomfortable. We need to have urgency around this.
I want to embark on a new form of pastoral planning by asking a new question, “Where does the Church need to be and how?” We need to inspire a pastoral change of heart that focuses on those who are absent and that aligns our collective efforts across parishes, schools, and charitable ministries to listen, rebuild trust, and invite people home.
This change of heart starts with me, and it requires your help. As I have been out and about during these past five years, I’ve heard stories of interactions with the Archdiocese that have caused a strained and deteriorating relationship. These stories are from your friends, coworkers, neighbors, parents, or your children, and grandchildren.
We can do better. I can do better. Many times, you may be the only person in a loved one’s life who can reach them when they are feeling lost or disconnected. Your encounters can mark the beginning of their return. This is our shared mission: to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ’s love, mercy, and resurrection to a world that desperately needs it. We must be a community of Missionary Disciples focused on renewal, rebuilding trust, and inviting people to a relationship with Jesus Christ!
Where does the Church need to be? Historically, Philadelphia has taken an on/off approach to parish life—with parishes either open or closed. When I became Archbishop, the second question at my introductory press conference was, “Will you close parishes?” My answer then, and now, is the same: I didn’t come here to close parishes; I came here to build up the Church of Philadelphia. Pope Francis encourages us to think of parishes as flexible entities that can adapt to the surrounding world: (Joy of the Gospel 28) I want to begin to close this distance between many of our loved ones and the Church. I want people to know that the Lord is still calling them, that they are of great worth, have a divine purpose, and an eternal home.
However, I am not naïve about the number of parishes we have and how we are spreading our priests thin. While I want to avoid widespread parish closures, we will inevitably face some changes and closures over time. My hope is that, through flexibility and an open heart, we can work creatively to meet the needs of our parishes and create more time for the Holy Spirit to inspire them.
Over the next decade, I want to establish “Missionary Hubs” across the entire Archdiocese, aiming for at least ten per county, planted at parishes and other locations. The goal is to reach out to Catholics who don’t participate and non-Catholics, using our resources and talents to ignite a spirit of Missionary Discipleship.
We need to plan for these Missionary Hubs in a spirit of synodal discernment and collaboration. I want communities and leaders to express interest in having a Missionary Hub planted at their parish. The seeds planted today will be the evangelical fruit of tomorrow.
Missionary Hubs will have full-time staff working under a pastor committed to outward engagement. The staff may include service coordinators, communications experts, event specialists and missionaries all focused on facilitating an encounter with Christ and his Church. We would plant Missionary Hubs throughout the Archdiocese and allocate resources where they are needed most, especially the poorest areas of our community.
I invite you to join me this coming spring for discussions about the future of the Church of Philadelphia. I see our local Church as a hub of evangelization, vibrant with hope and grace. But to move forward, I need to listen to your hopes, dreams, concerns, and desires for renewal. Please join me.
You are resilient. You are loved. Your steadfastness despite social and spiritual challenges doesn’t go unnoticed. Thank you for walking this journey with me and for embodying the heart and soul of our Church.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.
Archbishop of Philadelphia
Celebrating Our Youth with Generation Grace
Do you have a child in grades 6th-8th? Please contact Brandi at brandi@saintraymond.net or 215-549-3760 to get them involved in our Middle School Youth Ministry.
There is a new email address for communication relating to religious education: religious.ed@saintraymond.net.
Job Opportunity at St. Raymond
Pastoral Associate for Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation (Part Time)
Prepare young Catechumens and Candidates, as well as Catholic students of St. Raymond School, for Sacraments.
Coordinate scheduling and parent communications for Sacraments and Sacramental Preparation
Main Catechist for Pre-K & K school children using Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program
Coordination of Children’s Liturgy of the Word during Sunday Mass
Please contact Fr. Zlock at czlock@saintraymond.net or 215-549-3760, Ext 1 to apply.
Want to Learn More about your Catholic Faith?
The Order of Christian Initiation in Adults (OCIA) is under way. This is for any adult and teen 16 or older, who has not received the sacraments of Baptism, Penance, First Communion and Confirmation. We meet on the first Sunday of every month, immediately following the 10 am Mass in the SRR. Jesus is calling you! “It’s never too late to decide to follow Jesus."
Also, anyone with a desire to have a “refresher” is welcome to join. Contact Deacon Bill or Cindy Bradley at 215-242-5725.
Can You Help?

Have Left Overs?
Why not package them for Caring for Friends? Containers are located in the back of the Church (in a basket on the desk on the Forrest Ave side). The one meal that you discard can be a meal for an ailing senior living alone. Frozen meals can be dropped off at the Rectory between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. Volunteers are also needed to deliver meals to seniors on a weekly basis. For more info, contact the Church Rectory at 215-549-3760.
Church Announcements

Calvin Clement
The funeral for our beloved parishioner, Calvin Clement, will be held on Saturday, January 18 at St. Raymond. Viewing is from 9 am to 10:30 am. The funeral service begins at 10:30 am.
May his soul rest in peace.
Gremlins in the Email
We’ve noticed some of our emails have been landing in Spam folders recently. We’re actively working to resolve this issue, but in the meantime, we kindly ask you to check your Spam folder to ensure you haven’t missed any important messages from us.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we sort this out!
Snow and Inclement Weather
In the event of severe snow, the 8 am Weekly Daily Mass Schedule will be based on the Catholic School Schedule. If the school is closed or delayed, there will be no 8 am Daily Mass that day, thus giving time to get the lot cleared for the next Mass. Please check your local news channel for school closings.
Tax Information
As you prepare your taxes, Brandi in our Parish Office is happy to provide a statement for your 2024 Giving. Please call her at 215-549-3760 or email her at brandi@saintraymond.net. Statements can be picked up, emailed or mailed (mindful of delays in Postal Service at times).
Confession Times
Confessions are by appointment, and people are welcome to call the rectory to schedule a time. Father will also be available from 4 to 4:45 pm before the Saturday Vigil Mass in the Church Confessional.
A Reminder about Call to Prayer
St. Raymond offers a twice-daily opportunity, Call to Prayer on weekdays at 6:30 am and at noon. Taking a little time (five to seven minutes) to turn to the Lord will remove stress and restore peace in your life.
Call toll-free 1-877-309-2073, then enter code 319-414-445#. At 6:30 am, we reflect on God's Word. During the noon call, we pray the Angelus, reflect on the first reading of the day, and have intercessory prayer for those in need.
Donate to Support St. Raymond Church
Online giving is a wonderful way to make a one-time or a recurring gift to St. Raymond. We greatly appreciate your goodness and promise to be good stewards of your gift. DONATE HERE. You can also make a gift with your phone: send a text with the message straymond to 833-363-7471. You will receive a text that will give you simple instructions to make a gift!
Or, scan the QR code to donate.

Please note that we are no longer using Cash App as a form of payment for tithes.
We will accept Venmo (@StRaymond-PenafortPhilly), PushPay, Parish Giving & Envelopes. If you would like to receive envelopes, please contact Brandi at brandi@straymond.net and she will add your name to the list of envelope recipients. If you prefer to use PushPay, text straymond to 833-363-7471 to donate.
To our Online Parishioners
We are extremely pleased that you continue to be part of our community via livestream. Although you may be unable to attend Mass in person, please remember that we need your financial support in order to remain a vibrant parish. You may give online anytime here. Feel free to contact the rectory for assistance at 215-549-3760.
Silence Cell Phones
Please remember how distracting cell-phone noises can be during Mass. We prayerfully ask you to silence your phone when you enter church, so that no one is disturbed during this holy hour.
Lost and Found
Have you lost any personal items during Church service and never retrieved them? Please check the bin in the back of Church labeled “Lost & Found." People turn in items often to the Rectory. All items turned in are put into the bin.
Church Safety Equipment
A first aid kit as well as an automated external defibrillator (also known as an AED device), are located in the sacristy. Both are on a table to the left of the sacristy sink. This ensures that St. Raymond has sufficient means to address significant medical emergencies during liturgical events.
Financial Facts
We thank those parishioners who, recognizing God’s gifts to them, make their response in our weekly collection. Your continued support is vital, necessary, and deeply appreciated.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Budgetary Goal: $13,500.00
Collection & Envelopes: $13,424.04
Monthly Church Maintenance: $788.02
Christmas Social Ministry: $525.00
Christmas Flowers: $10.00
Christmas Offering: $50.00
Social Ministry: $10.00
St. Raymond Appeal: $50.00
Catholic Relief: $275.00
Total: $15,132.06
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Budgetary Goal: $13,500.00
Collection & Envelopes: $8,448.00
Monthly Church Maintenance: $352.00
REST: $250.00
Catholic Relief: $53.00
Total: $9,103.00
Special Collections
Jan 19th = Catholic Relief Services
Feb 9th = St Raymond School Annual Appeal
Get Involved!
Sign up for Fr. Zlock’s Young Adult WhatsApp community for prayers, videos, reflections and events for the young adult community. Click here to join the group.
Connect with Us Online
Be part of our awesome virtual community! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to get the latest scoop, see fun pictures, and hear about our exciting events.
Community Events
Martin Luther King Day

Catechetical Institute February Courses
The Catechetical Institute (CI) at the School of Theological Studies (STS) at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary provides affordable on-line, non-credit courses designed for parish catechists, Catholic school teachers and all adult Catholics who want to learn more and grow in their Catholic Faith. CI will be offering two courses -- Foundations of the Church and Sacraments of Initiation -- in February. The cost per course is $60.00. Registration is open online. Register here. Please contact STS at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary at 610-785-6287 or at sts@scs.edu with any questions or for more information.
Black Catholic Formation Program

The Office for Black Catholics has recently announced their Black Catholic Formation Program. The program aims to deliver catechesis in Catholic theology, trace Black Catholic history, explore Black Catholic spirituality, and promote faith formation/evangelization. The courses are in conjunction with St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Weekly sessions will be offered in February and March in parishes throughout the city. You are encouraged to attend. Tuition is free. St. Raymond will assist where needed. Details are available here.
Or, contact Minta Brown at 215-549-3760, extension 3
St. Raymond Choir to Sing in "Music from the Heart"

Kenny Arrington will direct the St. Raymond Choir in the special benefit concert for Music Education. Tickets will be available for purchase soon.
News From the National Black Catholic Congress

An all-new issue of the National Black Catholic Congress is out now. Sign up to get your copy here.
News From the Office for Black Catholics

Check out their website for important news!
News from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

The January newsletter is available here.
Please sign up to find out what is happening around the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.