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Good News for February 16th

Writer's picture: St. Raymond of PenafortSt. Raymond of Penafort

This is the command of Jesus in this coming Sunday's Gospel. What impact might these words have on you? Who is Jesus asking you to forgive, love, care for in a new way? How do I love my enemies?


NEED INFORMATION ON COVID TESTING AND COVID VACCINES? Please note that vaccines are no longer offered every Friday. Please call the Parish Office for details.

As a community of faith, we hold each other in prayer each day...

  • FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Deacon Bill (who is coming home today) Pat, John, Helen, Dolores, Marjorie, Billy, Patricia, and all who are sick with COVID or struggling with mental illness

  • FOR THOSE WHO ARE GRIEVING: The family of Hank Alston, the family of Helena Neal, and those grieving a loved one from the violence in our City.

  • FOR SPECIAL NEEDS: that we choose faith over fear in the midst of the ongoing COVID Pandemic; that we find housing for Feenie, a single mom from Haiti who is pregnant and has two children (she is currently seeking asylum status in USA); for Wazmina and her children as they continue to adjust to life in Philadelphia; for Shonda to find an apartment, for peace in Ukraine, for young families who are without a Church Home

  • Please bring your palm from last year to Church over the next few weekends so it can be burned to make the ashes you will receive on March 2nd (we will have services at 8 am, 10:30 am, and 7 pm).

  • Paige will be selling Girl Scout Cookies this weekend at Mass. $4 per box.

  • Archbishop Perez is launching a renewed effort to build all Catholics into Missionary Disciples! Watch this video introduction (you will see a familiar face in the video too - it is not Fr Chris either)

  • Want some time to prayerfully reflect on your marriage? Join Father Chris and couples from across the diocese on April 2nd at Cardinal O'Hara HS in Springfield. Learn more.

  • You can order your FREE at-home COVID Tests from the US Government.

  • The Philadelphia Catholic Charities Appeal has started. Learn more and pledge your support.

  • The MEN of the Parish are encouraged to make a weekend retreat at the Malvern Retreat House on February 26, 27 & 28. Fr Chris will be the presenter of the retreat. Scholarships are available to assist with the retreat. Interested? Please call Atiba at 267-588-8888. There is also a way to participate virtually if you would rather experience the retreat from home.

  • Tired of Netflix and Amazon Prime? Why not feed your soul with something more? Watch some videos (even movies) on FORMED (our parish has a membership and you can create your own account). Watch classic films on Mary, the Mother of God, and St. Joseph and there are great videos for the little ones too! You can also download audiobooks and ebooks too! Resolve to get good content into your mind in 2022!

  • Check out CatholicPhilly. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from them as well. Stay informed!

  • St. Peter Church in Chester County is offering a Day of Reflection and Formation on Transgenderism. This topic is not going away and requires Christians to embrace the truth fully and seek to share it with their family and friend. The day is FREE and will be well worth your time. Learn more...

  • We mourn the passing of Helena Neal who was a regular at our 10 am Mass for decades. She had gone blind in recent years and was dependent on our bus. She leaves her two children to mourn her passing. Her funeral is this Saturday, Feb. 19th at 10 am.

  • We mourn Mr. Ronald Dennis, brother of Gerri Dennis who is always at the 10 am Mass. His funeral will be at Emmanuel Johnson Funeral Home on Wednesday, February 23rd at Noon followed by Washington Crossing Cemetery.

  • We mourn Mr. Hank Alston who worshipped at the 10 am Mass as well. He has been sick for many months. His funeral will be Saturday, March 5th at 10:30 am. Please keep his large family in prayer as they grieve the passing of their patriarch.

How will the month of February enrich your knowledge of Black History (in the world, our nation, our city, our neighborhood? There is much to learn and much to share. What is your plan?

  • Watch Connie McCalls' Intro Video and Week Two Reflection on Black Catholic History in Philadelphia.

  • Have you ever reviewed a Timeline of Black Catholics?

  • On Friday, February 25th at 10 am we will have a presentation from Mr. Sam Still who has two notable relatives: William Still (1821-1902) who is known as the "Father of the Underground Railroad" and William's brother James Still who is known was known as the “Black Doctor of the Pines” in New Jersey. The program is in our Church, for our School, but all of the parish is most welcome and encouraged to attend. The school’s Legacy of Pride event will be live-streamed on Feb. 24th at 1 pm.

  • See events sponsored by Phila.'s Office of Black Catholics

  • There are things to do in Philadelphia too - LEARN MORE. The Free Library has a full calendar too!

  • Sign up for the Sisters of Mercy Lenten Series on Becoming Anti-Racist through various Lenten Experiences.

Life Groups are open to parishioners, family, and friends (pretty much anyone). If you have never joined a Saint Raymond Life/Small Group, now is the time! 90 minutes + once a week + for seven weeks = a new relationship with Jesus and others. What are the next steps? Pick up a flyer from the back of the Church and look over the different groups. Then make a phone call to the Life Group Leader to save your spot at the table (or on the couch). YOU MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE TO ENSURE YOUR PLACE AT THE TABLE. Want to know more? Call Minta Brown 610-329-7256 or email More information on this handout:

This is a picture of our school community gathered in Church during Catholic Schools Week. Thank you for your continued financial gifts to support St. Raymond School. You have an envelope marked “School Appeal” for this weekend. All of these funds go directly into tuition assistance for our school families. You can also donate to the school HERE. If you are a business owner and want to learn about a tax credit that can help our school, contact Father Chris. If you want to volunteer time in our school (especially after school), call Richara.

Last year, Pope Francis called for the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. Learn more about the Synod and what it will "look like" in Philadelphia HERE. If you have questions or ideas, please contact Fr. Chris or Minta!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS - YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS SHOW. The life of Servant of God Father Augustine Tolton is inspiring to everyone who learns it! One of the ways people can encounter the amazing story of his life is through a "one-man" play that has been touring the nation for years. Many from our parish saw the play a few years ago at LaSalle University. The play is coming back! Join us Sunday, February 27th at 7 pm at Our Mother of Consolation Church in Chestnut Hill. NEW ADDITION: The play can also be seen on Thursday, Feb. 24th at 1:30 pm at Holy Martyrs Church in Oreland, PA.

Maybe your Valentine's Day was not the best. Do not worry.

Jesus loves you in ways you cannot imagine

He offers you his heart.

He waits for you to offer yours.

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1350 East Vernon Road Philadelphia, PA, 19150

Rectory: (215) 549-3760  School: (215) 548-1919

Copyright 2023 St. Raymond of Penafort Catholic Church. All Rights Reserved.



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