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Good News for August 24th

Writer's picture: St. Raymond of PenafortSt. Raymond of Penafort

On Saturday, August 27, the Church celebrates the feast day of St. Monica. She was born in 331 AD and had many of the same desires that you have - to pray for the faith of her family. Her husband would not agree to be baptized nor allow their three children to get baptized. After years of prayer, her husband, Patricius, agreed to be baptized a year before his death. Her son, Augustine, would fall into a wayward life and years later become a Christian. Augustine later became the bishop of Carthage (Tunisia, Africa).

Instead of falling into despair, she focused on their conversions. In those moments of his anger, she sought the power of Christ. All of us are created in the image and likeness of God, but behind all faithful people are people praying for us and using the tools of the church to defeat the evil one - Eucharist, Blessed Mother, prayer, scripture, and the intercession of the saints. Keep up the good fight!

Just a reminder, our bible study will now begin Wednesday, September 7th at St. Raymond at 7 PM as we look as we examine a life of Prayer. We look forward to your attendance.

Fr. Jeff

How are they to believe in Him whom they have not heard? How are they to hear without a preacher, teacher, or catechist?

Our Religious Education Program is in need of volunteer Catechists and classroom aides. If you are willing to share the faith that was handed on to you with our young people, please contact Arleen Daniels for more information. 215-549-3760.

Religious Education Program for Catholic (PREP) children attending public school, ages 5 - 12, resumes on Sunday, September 18th. Please contact Arleen Daniels at 215-549-3760, or sign up via the clipboard on the table in the back of the church.

Five of our Confirmation Class attended a full-day retreat on Saturday, August 20, 2022, at St. Raymond. We had a wonderful time and look forward to finishing up our preparation for their receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on November 6, 2022, at the Cathedral.

There is a suggestion box in the back of the church for comments and questions. Feel free to jot down your feedback. Pre-formatted slips with specific information are in the basket (along with a pen) for use. Your opinions matter!

Have you seen the new Prayer Wall? It is also in the back of the church and ready for you to leave post-it notes for prayer intentions. As we are told in 1Chronicles 16 11: Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always!

Fiat Days Retreat: For High School Girls

Sr. Florence Enechukwi from the Office for Cultural Ministries is inviting High School Girls of the Archdiocese to attend a retreat based on the theme “Fiat (Living Your Yes Like Mary).”

Date: August 26th-28th

Catholic Women’s Conference 2022

Saturday, October 22, 2022, 9am - 4:30 pm

Join Catholic women from the greater Philadelphia area for a day of fun, friendship, faith formation, and prayer at the Catholic Women’s Conference. The 2022 theme is “Be Not Afraid: Finding Your Freedom in Christ, “ in which together we will discover the healing and freedom of heart that Jesus Christ desires to give each of us. There is no charge for the event, thanks to the generosity of the Martin de Porres Foundation. Additional information to follow. Early sellout is expected. To register, contact Arleen Daniels 215-549-3760.

Event: Are You Being Called? Permanent Diaconate Information Night Session - Thursday, September 22, 2022 - 7:00 PM

  • There is an information session for men who may feel called to serve the Church as a Deacon. Our parish would be blessed by additional men stepping into this essential role of service. Could it be YOU or someone YOU know? Please share the information. Catholic men (and wives if married) between the ages of 29 and 55 are invited to join an in person panel of clergy about discerning a vocation to the Permanent Diaconate and admittance to the School for Diaconal Formation program.

  • Location: Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, Vianney Auditorium, 100 East Wynnewood Road, Wynnewood, PA 19096

  • More info: Want to learn more visit or School of Diaconal Formation website

Monday Evenings, 8PM

Event: Virtual World Mission Rosary

Join hundreds of people throughout the Archdiocese who have regularly been praying the ROSARY LIVE! United in this most powerful prayer, we ask for the miraculous intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary to hear our intentions and renew our Catholic faith as we pray in unity for our brothers and sisters in mission lands world-wide. On Mission Mondays, we pray the World Mission Rosary, created by Venerable Fulton Sheen, in which we offer each decade for one of five Mission areas, including the US.

Location: Use this Zoom link to join each Monday:

More Info: Sponsored by the Pontifical Missions Societies (

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1350 East Vernon Road Philadelphia, PA, 19150

Rectory: (215) 549-3760  School: (215) 548-1919

Copyright 2023 St. Raymond of Penafort Catholic Church. All Rights Reserved.



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