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Writer's pictureSt. Raymond of Penafort

Good News for April 21st

Updated: Apr 20, 2021

As we receive the verdict from the jury in the trial of the former police officer who killed George Floyd, we realize that there is still much need for conversion and healing in our nation. Let us remain people of prayer who find our hope first and foremost in the Lord!

Mary, friend and mother to all, through your Son, God has found a way to unite himself to every human being, called to be one people, sisters, and brothers to each other. We ask for your help in calling on your Son, seeking forgiveness for the times when we have failed to love and respect one another. We ask for your help in obtaining from your Son the grace we need to overcome the evil of racism and to build a just society. We ask for your help in following your Son so that prejudice and animosity will no longer infect our minds or hearts but will be replaced with a love that respects the dignity of each person. Mother of the Church, the Spirit of your Son Jesus warms our hearts: pray for us. Amen

Did you read last week's BULLETIN? How about joining Father Chris in praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Please plan to worship with us this weekend on Saturday at 5 pm or Sunday at 8 am or 10 am. Worshipping in person is safe for you, please be with us! You are welcome to worship from the front lawn at the 10 am Mass.

Please make time to continue the reflections on the life of Saint Joseph and what he can teach us as we live our Christian Faith in 2021. This week's reflection is from our Pastor, Father Chris. May it be a blessing for you and those with whom it is shared!

Are you praying for our young disciples? They need the prayers of our entire Church Family…not just their parents and grandparents. Let’s cover them in prayer as they persevere in a difficult school year (and their parents as well). Please continue to share these CHILDREN’S LITURGY reflections with our young disciples so that they are formed in the ways of Christ! Please share THIS VIDEO FROM ANGELA and please download the worksheet as well.

While we have only started the Spring Season, it is also time to plan for the summer. If you have children or grandchildren who need some wonderful engagement in a safe environment this summer we need to hear from you as our staff makes plans. We hope to have a three-week Summer Camp option as well as an opportunity for a babysitting co-op to keep children safe without costing too much for parents. In order to help us plan, please complete the interest form for SUMMER DAYS AT SAINT RAYMOND as well as the interest form for BABYSITTING CO-OP AT SAINT RAYMOND. Thank you!

We have received confirmation that Jefferson University will be offering a COVID Vaccine to Philadelphia Residents who are eligible (1A and 1B at this time) on a Friday at the end of April or in early May. This will take place in our School Hall. Please complete the INTEREST FORM and you will be contacted by Jefferson directly to schedule your appointment. Please feel free to share this with others who live in Philadelphia, meet eligibility, and are interested in receiving the vaccine.

On May 15th and 16th, we will have our Annual May Devotion in honor of the Mother of God at all Masses. This year, we invite all girls ages 3 to 10 to join in the May Procession and honor Mary. The girls will wear a white dress and present a flower to our image of Mary. Sign up to be a part of the May Devotion. In addition, that weekend we will offer the Anointing of the Sick at all masses to parishioners who desire this sacrament of the Church. Sign up to receive the Sacrament of Anointing.

We will return to our study of St. John's Gospel from 7 pm to 8 pm on Wednesday, May 5th (and continue through June 9). You can join on ZOOM or in person in the Rectory Basement. Following Bible Study, you are invited to participate in a group discussion in person or on zoom. Please sign up so we can properly prepare for this Bible Study given the needs presented by technology and COVID. If you have questions, contact the Parish Office.

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