Dear St. Raymond Community
Our parish has many wonderful ways of gathering as a community and opportunities to learn more about our Catholic faith. I would like to invite you to a couple of upcoming events: On Sunday, July 10th we will have hospitality after 10am Mass. I look forward to getting to know you and hope that you can make it. Please invite your friends to see the blessings of our St. Raymond community.
We will also be offering a six-week video and discussion series on the Holy Spirit called Wild Good with Fr. David Pivonka. This will begin on Wednesday July 20th and we will have sessions at 1pm and 7pm. We hope that you can join us.
Join Deacon Bill & Cindy for six exciting Monday night sessions (on ZOOM) where we will explore the 5 Love Languages. You will learn to recognize your and your spouse’s Love Language and learn how to identify the root of your conflicts, connect more profoundly, and truly begin to grow closer. Sessions begin Monday July 18, 2022, at 7:00 on Zoom. Books will be provided. Register by contacting Deacon Bill or Cindy at 215-242-5725
We keep in our prayers the people of Highland Park. Archbishop Perez stated that “our American spirit shines brightest when we treat our neighbors with dignity and respect”. As people of faith, we must let charity, rooted in love, have the final say. Fr. Jeff