Come back to the Heart of Jesus where you find mercy, love, and peace.
There will be a Mass with the Distribution of Ashes on Wednesday, March 2nd. at 8:00 am.
There will be Prayer Services with the Distribution of Ashes on Wednesday, March 2nd. at 10:30 am and 7:00 pm. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. You do not need to be Catholic to receive ashes but ought to have a desire to turn your heart back to God.
Please see the many opportunities for growth in holiness available at St. Raymond throughout the days of Lent. Please remember to observe the RULES FOR FASTING AND ABSTINENCE FROM MEAT.

(Taken from the website "Cordial Catholics) As Catholics, we believe that when Christ founded a church he appointed twelve apostles and left them in charge; they, in turn, appointed successors down through to today. We believe, likewise, that when Jesus gave Peter the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and the power to bind and loose in words echoing from the Old Testament that he was, in a special way, anointing him with a particular power. The power to represent Christ on earth: his Vicar, his chief steward, his earthly representative. This office, too, we believe, passed on. Down through to today.
So what happened last Friday, for Catholics, is significant. Profound. Pope Francis — suffering from acute knee pain that’s forced him to cancel all major engagements lately — traveled to the Russian Embassy in the Vatican. The Pope went, in his role as the Vicar of Christ, the Steward of the Kingdom of God, to ask the Russian ambassador to stop the attack against Ukraine. To advocate for peace. In a move unprecedented in modern history the Pope came to the door of the Russian state and told them they must stop the atrocities. Our Vicar of Christ, on Earth, with the weight of us 1.2 billion Catholics, united in prayer, comes to seek peace at the door of the aggressor. It’s profound.
And what’s more? The Pope has asked us, the 1.2 billion Catholics on earth, to pray and fast for peace in Ukraine this Ash Wednesday. On one of the most solemn days of the Church’s year, at the start of the penitential season of Lent, we unite our mourning and fasting and prayers with the Vicar of Christ, the people of Ukraine, and the Catholics of the world. As the people of Ukraine defend their homes, as the Pope knocks on the ambassador’s door, we come too, to defend, to advocate, to pray to Christ Our Lord: have mercy.
Thoughout Lent, we will pray the Rosary 30 minutes before weekend Masses. At the end of the Rosary, we will offer this Litany to our Mother of Sorrows:
