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Good News for October 21st

On Friday the Church celebrates the life of Saint Pope John Paul II. He was a Pope who traveled the world and engaged millions upon millions of people. In addition to his trip to Philadelphia in 1979, the Pope made a trip to St. Charles Parish in Harlem, New York City a few days earlier. Read his speech here. Enjoy this wonderful quote of Saint John Paul II: Have no fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly knowing that I am with you, therefore no harm can befall you; all is very, very well. Do this in complete faith and confidence.




Please make an effort to join us at the Cathedral on November 7th - to God be the glory!

The Women's Conference is BACK (but in a different way). Join women of faith from across the region for a day of prayer and fellowship on Saturday, October 23rd. Women will gather for a Communion Service at 8 am in Church, followed by a Light Breakfast in our School Hall. From 9 am to Noon you will watch videoed talks and have a lively conversation with other women in our School Hall and then have lunch! At 1 pm you will board a bus (or drive on your own) to The Shrine of our Lady of Czestochowa for a Holy Hour and live talk (as well as a chance to visit a great gift shop) and then return around 5 pm. Interested? Want to learn more? Contact or to reserve your spot (WE HAVE 3 SPOTS LEFT - PLEASE CLAIM YOUR SPOT, TODAY LADIES).

Wazmina and her family remain at Saint Raymond at the moment. The agency that placed them with Saint Raymond desires to "transfer" them to Texas in the hope of reuniting her with her brother-in-law and his family (they are currently in a refugee camp in Washington DC awaiting processing). Wazmina has made it clear to our REST Team that she prefers to stay in Philadelphia and accept our assistance. Father Chris believes that we made a promise to help them when they arrived on October 9th and we must make good on the promise. The family has suffered so much already, we must be instruments of kindness and goodness. The obstacles are going to be many and we are unsure of the "consequences" of her separating from the refugee resettlement agency (that is being determined this week). At this point, we plan as if the family is staying (and continuing to walk to Finley Playground for lots of fun). PLEASE SIGN UP TO BE A RECTORY HOST AND ASSIST THEM IN THEIR TIME WITH US. THESE THREE HOURS ARE A GIFT TO FATHER CHRIS (THE ONLY BIRTHDAY PRESENT HE WANTS THIS YEAR), SO PLEASE SIGN UP TODAY! Please pray for Father Chris and the leaders of REST - Lord, give them the wisdom to make the choice that is truly best for this family; may we be generous but prudent in accord with your holy plan for our parish family. AMEN

  • This Sunday is WORLD MISSION SUNDAY: a reminder that Jesus' command that we spread the Good News remains in effect. You are invited to share a financial gift to help the Church's Missions. This article may help you understand your role as a missionary as well!

  • Many businesses and other groups (including some Churches) are MANDATING VACCINES. How ought a Catholic think about this? What about a person's conscience? Where does that fit into the conversation?

  • Have you checked out the National Black Catholic Congress page recently? Great stuff available for your journey of faith!

  • The Pope has begun gathering with Bishops in Rome to discuss a new way of leading the Church through "synods" (gatherings guided by the Holy Spirit to discern where God is guiding the Church). Learn more about this Synod of Bishops (which will meet throughout the next four years).

  • The through its website CatholicPhilly. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from them as well. Stay informed!

  • As we approach Black Catholic History Month, Fr Steve Thorne will offer a presentation on the women and men of color on the road to sainthood. The zoom-based presentation will be at 4pm on October 31st (All Hallow's Eve). Learn more:

  • Check out the Office of Black Catholic's most recent newsletter


Have you signed up for your life group yet? Formerly known as "Small Groups" these groups of 5 to 8 people meet once a week (from the week of November 7th until the week before Christmas) to share faith and grow in authentic friendship. The focus this year is the series The Chosen which reveals the life of Jesus. We will watch brief video clips and then discuss the impact of Jesus in our lives. Questions? Please contact Please check out this flyer with all the details of when a group meets and contact the Life Group leader directly to save your place!

In six weeks we will celebrate the wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving at St. Raymond means a few things: (1) a chance to gather to say thank you to God from whom all blessings flow; plan to bring your family to Mass at 9 am on Thanksgiving Morning; (2) each year we are able to share our blessings in a tangible way by giving away 50-60 Thanksgiving Food Baskets with Turkeys to families; if you or someone you know would welcome the blessing of a basket or if you want to help collect and prepare the baskets please contact Arleen at (3) begin to express thanks this week (why wait?) - in a particular way Father Chris invites to express thanks to someone who ministers in our parish whose life and goodness have been a blessing to you and your family. There is currently a campaign to say thank you to a priest (and Father Chris is grateful for the notes and emails he has received). At St. Raymond, there are so many who make our parish the place it is and all the others deserve to hear from you and your thanks as well. Can you take a moment to send an email to someone whose ministry you especially appreciate? Deacon Bill (, Richara Krajewski (, Arleen Daniels (, Araminta Brown (, Brandi Rose (, Kenny Arrington (, and Father Chris ( “No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” - St. Ambrose

We will celebrate All Saints Day on Monday, November 1st with Mass at 8 am and 10 am (with our school community). Please plan to join us for Mass this day (which is not just a Holy Day of Obligation...but a Day of Opportunity). YOU ARE CALLED TO BE A SAINT! The weekend of Nov. 6th & 7th we will celebrate our Annual Memorial Mass as we remember those of our parish who have died in the past year at 5 pm. 8 am and 10 am Masses. Why do Catholics pray for the dead? In addition, at 5 pm we will welcome the Bishop McDevitt Alumni Community for their Annual Memorial Mass and at the 10 am Mass we welcome the graduates of St. Raymond School for their Annual Homecoming Mass. Please spread the word and invite others!

Have you received the Sacrament of Confirmation? Something this sacrament is "missed" for various reasons. Please contact Father Chris at so you can be prepared to receive the Sacrament with others at the Cathedral this November. This is for teens, young adults, and not-so-young adults! Come Holy Spirit!

We have a new APP for our parish. Please search for St. Raymond where you get your apps. Or you can text 'straymondapp' to (833) 363-7471, for a quick way to download the app. There are many wonderful features that will be a blessing for you as you experience our Digital Campus.

Faith without works is dead! You do not want a faith that is dead, do you? Have you thought about how you might serve others? The goal is two hours a week but you can start with two hours a month! Here are some possibilities:

Looking for an easier way to make the offering of your tithe? Our parish is using PushPay which is integrated with our data system and saves the Parish Staff a great deal of time processing donations. Please text straymond to 833-363-7471 to use PushPay. Questions? Contact

Secretary Colin Powell's 13 Rules for Life:

  1. It ain’t as bad as you think! It will look better in the morning.

  2. Get mad then get over it.

  3. Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it.

  4. It can be done.

  5. Be careful what you choose. You may get it.

  6. Don’t let adverse facts stand in the way of a good decision.

  7. You can’t make someone else’s choices. You shouldn’t let someone else make yours.

  8. Check small things.

  9. Share credit.

  10. Remain calm. Be kind.

  11. Have a vision. Be demanding.

  12. Don’t take counsel of your fears or naysayers.

  13. Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.

Lord, have mercy on his soul and grant him peace with You!

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